§ 30.121 - How will the Secretary implement requirements for comprehensive support and improvement activities?  

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  • § 30.121 What funds are available to assist schools identified for school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring?

    From fiscal year 2004 to fiscal year 2007, the Bureau will reserve 4 percent of its title I allocation to assist Bureau-funded schools identified for school improvement, corrective action, and restructuring.

    (a) The Bureau will allocate at least 95 percent of funds under this section to Bureau-funded schools identified for school improvement, corrective action, and restructuring to carry out those schools' responsibilities under 20 U.S.C. 6316(b). With the approval of the school board the Bureau may directly provide for the remedial activities or arrange for their provision through other entities such as school support teams or educational service agencies.

    (b) In allocating funds under this section, the Bureau will give priority to schools that:

    (1) Are the lowest-achieving schools;

    (2) Demonstrate the greatest need for funds; and

    (3) Demonstrate the strongest commitment to ensuring that the funds enable the lowest-achieving schools to meet progress goals in the school improvement plans.

    (c) Funds reserved under this section must not decrease total funding under title I, part A of the Act, for any school below the level for the preceding year. To the extent that reserving funds under this section would reduce the title I, part A dollar amount of any school below the amount of title I, part A dollars the school received the previous year, the Secretary is authorized to reduce the title I, part A allocations of those schools receiving an increase in the title I, part A funds over the previous year to create the 4 percent reserve. This section does not authorize a school to receive title I, part A dollars it is not otherwise eligible to receive.

    (d) The Bureau will publish in the Federal Register a list of schools receiving funds under this section

    How will the Secretary implement requirements for comprehensive support and improvement activities?

    (a) Once notified that it has been identified for comprehensive support and improvement, each BIE-funded school is required to develop and implement, in partnership with stakeholders (including principals and other school leaders, teachers, and parents), a comprehensive support and improvement plan to improve student outcomes that:

    (1) Is informed by all indicators described in § 30.111(f), including student performance against BIE-determined long-term goals described in § 30.111(d);

    (2) Includes evidence-based interventions;

    (3) Is based on a school-level needs assessment;

    (4) Identifies resource inequities, which may include a review of school-level budgeting, to be addressed through implementation of such comprehensive support and improvement plan;

    (5) Is approved by the school and the BIE; and

    (6) Upon approval and implementation, is monitored and periodically reviewed by the BIE.

    (b) In regard to high schools that have been identified as having failed to graduate one-third or more of their students, the BIE may:

    (1) Permit differentiated improvement activities that use evidence-based interventions in the case of a school that predominantly serves students:

    (i) Returning to education after having exited secondary school without a regular high school diploma; or

    (ii) Who, based on their grade or age, are significantly off track to accumulate sufficient academic credits to meet high school graduation requirements; and

    (2) In the case of a school that has a total enrollment of fewer than 100 students, permit the BIE-funded school to forego implementation of improvement activities.