§ 36.60 - Compliance for minimum academic standards.  

Latest version.
  • Implementation of these standards shall begin immediately on the effective date of this part.

    (a) A school is in compliance when it has met and satisfied all the requirements of these standards.

    (b) Each school supervisor shall, within 45 days after the start of each school term, submit a compliance report to the local school board; within 15 days thereafter, the compliance report shall be submitted to the Agency Superintendent for Education or the Area Education Programs Administrator, as appropriate, which attests to whether a school is in compliance or noncompliance.

    (c) In those instances where a school does not meet the requirements of these standards, the school supervisor shall inform the parents or legal guardians by letter no later than 60 days after the start of each school term.

    (d) The compliance report shall contain the following:

    (1) A written statement attesting to the fact that the school has or has not met all of the requirements.

    (2) A specific listing of the requirements which have not been met.

    (3) A summary of an action plan designed to correct deficiencies.

    (4) A statement signed by the local school board attesting to the fact that it has been apprised of the school's compliance status and concurs or does not concur with the action plan to reach compliance.

    (e) The Agency Superintendent for Education or the Area Education Programs Administrator, as appropriate, shall review each school's compliance report and shall provide the Director with a summative report by November 15 of each year which includes:

    (1) A listing of those schools not in compliance.

    (2) A detailed statement as to why each school is not in compliance and how it proposes to reach compliance.

    (3) A plan of action outlining what actions the Agency Superintendent for Education or Area Education Programs Administrator will take to assist the school(s) to reach compliance.

    (f) In the event a school is not in compliance for two consecutive years due to conditions which can be corrected locally, appropriate personnel actions shall be initiated at all applicable levels of school administration. Noncompliance may be acceptable grounds for dismissal.

    (g) The Secretary shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress at the time of the annual budget request a detailed plan to bring all Bureau and contract schools up to the level required by the applicable standards established under section 1121 of Pub. L. 95-561, 25 U.S.C. 2001.