§ 38.7 - Appointment of educators.  

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  • § 38.7 Appointment of educators.

    (a) Local school employees. Local Bureau school employees shall be appointed only by the school supervisor. Before the local school employee is employed, the school board shall be consulted. An individual's appointment may be finalized only upon receipt of a formal written determination certified by the local school board under such uniform procedures as it may adopt. Written determination by the school board should be received within a reasonable period, but not to exceed 30 days. Failure of the school board to act within this period shall have the effect of approving the proposed appointment. The local school board shall use the same written procedure to disapprove an appointment. The school supervisor may appeal to the ASE, or, where appropriate, to the AEPA, any determination by the local school board concerning an individual's appointment. A written statement of appeal describing the action and the reasons the supervisor believes such action should be overturned must be filed within 10 days of receipt of the action from the local school board. A copy of such statement shall be submitted to the school board and the board shall be afforded an opportunity to respond, not to exceed 10 calendar days, in writing, to the appeal. After reviewing such written appeal and response, the ASE or AEPA may, for cause, overturn the action of the local school board. The ASE or AEPA must transmit the determination of the appeal (in the form of a written opinion) to the board and to the supervisor identifying the reasons for overturning the action within 10 calender days. Failure to act within the 10 calendar day period shall have the effect of approving the local school board's determination.

    (b) School supervisors. School supervisors may be appointed only by the ASE, except the AEPA shall appoint school supervisors for off-reservation boarding schools and those few other schools supervised by the AEPA. The school board shall be consulted before the school supervisor is employed. The appointment may be finalized upon receipt of a formal written determination certified by the school board under any uniform procedures as it may adopt. Written determination by the school board shall be received within a reasonable period, but not to exceed 30 days. Failure of the school board to act within this period shall have the effect of approving the proposed appointment. The school board shall use the same procedure to disapprove an appointment. Within 20 calendar days of receipt of any determination by the school board concerning an individual's appointment, the ASE or AEPA, as appropriate, may appeal to the Director by filing a written statement describing the determination and the reasons the supervisor believes the determination should be overturned. A copy of the statement shall be submitted to the local school board and the board shall be afforded an opportunity to respond, within 10 calendar days, in writing, to such an appeal. The Director may reverse the determination for cause set out in writing to the school board. Within 20 calendar days of the school board's response, the Director shall transmit the determination of the appeal (in the form of a written opinion) to the board and to the ASE or AEPA identifying the reasons for overturning the determination. Failure by the Director to act within the 20 calendar day period shall have the effect of approving the school board's determination.

    (c) Agency office education program employees. Appointments to Agency office education positions may be made only by the ASE. The Agency school board shall be consulted before the agency education employee is employed, and the appointment may be finalized upon receipt of a formal, written determination certified by the Agency school board under any uniform procedures as it may adopt. Written determination by the school board shall be received within a reasonable period, but not to exceed 30 days. Failure of the school board to act within this period shall have the effect of approving the proposed appointment. The Agency school board shall use the same written procedure to disapprove an appointment. Within 20 calendar days of receipt of any determination by the school board concerning an individual's appointment, the ASE may appeal to the Director by filing a written statement describing the determination and the reasons the supervisor believes the determination should be overturned. A copy of the statement shall be submitted to the Agency school board and the board shall be afforded an opportunity to respond, within 10 calendar days, in writing, to such appeal. After reviewing the written appeal and response, the Director may, for cause, overturn the determination of the Agency school board. Within 20 days of the board's response, the Director shall transmit the determination of the appeal (in the form of a written opinion) to the board and to the ASE identifying the reasons for overturning the determination. Failure of the Director to act within the 20 calendar day period shall have the effect of approving the school's board's determination.

    (d) Employment contracts. The Bureau shall issue employment contracts each year for individuals employed in contract education positions at the Agency or school levels.

    (e) Absence of local school boards. Where a local school board has not been established in accordance with section 1139(7) Pub. L. 95-561 with respect to a Bureau school, or where a school board is not operational, and the local school board is required to be given a notice or required to be consulted by statute or these regulations, the official involved shall notify or consult with the Agency school board serving the tribe(s) to which the parents of the Indian children atending that school belong, or, in that absence, the tribal organization(s) of the tribe(s) involved.

    (f) Provisional contracts. Provisional certification or other limited certificates from the State are not considered full certification and only a provisional contract may be issued. There may be circumstances when no individual who has met the full certification or experience requirements is available for a professional position or when a status quo employee who does not meet full certification or experience requirements desires to convert to contract. When this situation exists, a provisional contract may be issued in accordance with the following:

    (1) The contract will be made only:

    (i) After it is determined that an individual already meeting certification or experience requirements is not available; or

    (ii) For conversion of a status quo employee who does not yet meet all established position requirements.

    (2) Consultation with the appropriate school board is required prior to the contract.

    (3) The contract may be of 12-month or school-term duration.

    (4) The employee will be required to make satisfactory progress toward meeting full qualification requirements.

    (5) If the employee fails to meet the requirements established under § 38.7(f)(4), the contract will be terminated. Such termination cannot be grieved or appealed.

    (g) Conditional appointment. As provided in section 1131(d)(4), Pub. L. 95-561, if an individual who has applied at both the national and local levels is appointed from a local list of applicants, the appointment shall be conditional for 90 days. During that period, the individual's application and background shall be examined to determine if there is a more qualified individual for the position. Removal during this period is not subject to discharge, hearing or grievance procedures.

    (h) Short-term contracts.

    (1) There may be circumstances where immediate action is necessary and it is impossible to consult with the local school board. When this situation exists short-term contracts may be made by the school supervisor in accordance with the following:

    (i) The length of the contract will not exceed 60 days, or the next regularly scheduled school board meeting, whichever comes first.

    (ii) If the board meets and does not take action on the individual in question, the short-term contract may be extended for the duration of the school year.

    (iii) It shall be the responsibility of the school supervisor to fully inform the local school board of all such short-term contracts. Failure to do so may be cited as reason to discharge the school supervisor if so requested by the board.

    (2) The local school board may authorize the school supervisor to make an emergency short-term contract to classroom, dormitory and other positions directly related to the health and safety of students. When this situation exists, short-term contracts may be made in accordance with the following:

    (i) If local and agency lists of qualified applicants are exhausted, short-term contracts may be made without regard to qualifications for the position;

    (ii) The pay level will be based on the qualifications of the individual employed rather than the requirements of the position, if the qualifications of the individual are lower than required;

    (iii) The short-term contract may not exceed the school term and may not be renewed or extended;

    (iv) Every 60 days the school supervisor will determine if qualified individuals have been placed on the local or agency lists. If a qualified individual on the list accepts employment, the school supervisor must terminate the emergency appointment at the time the qualified individual is appointed.

    (i) Temporary contracts. There may be circumstances where a specific position is needed for a period of one year or less. Under these conditions a position may be advertised as a temporary position and be filled under a temporary contract. Such contract requires the same school board approval as a school year contract. If required for the completion of the activities specified in the original announcement, the position, may with school board approval be extended for up to one additional year. Temporary contracts may be terminated at any time and this action is not subject to approval or grievance procedures.

    (j) Waiver of Indian preference. Notwithstanding any provision of the Indian preference laws, such laws shall not apply in the case of any personnel action within the purview of this section respecting an application or employee not entitled to Indian preference if each tribal organization concerned grants, in writing, a waiver of the application of such laws with respect to such personnel action, where such a waiver is in writing deemed to be a necessity by the tribal organization, except that this shall in no way relieve the Bureau of its responsibility to issue timely and adequate announcements and advertisements concerning any such personnel action if it is intended to fill a vacancy (no matter how such vacancy is created). When a waiver is granted, it shall apply only to that particular position and as long as the employee remains in that position.

    (k) Prohibited reappointment. An educator who voluntarily terminates employment before the end of the school term may not be appointed to another Bureau education position before the beginning of the following school term. An educator will not be deemed to have voluntarily terminated employment if transferred elsewhere with the consent of the local school or Agency boards.

    (l) Contract renewals. The appropriate school board shall be notified in writing by the school supervisor and/or ASE or AEPA not less than 90 days before the end of the school term whether or not an individual's contract is recommended for renewal.

    (1) If the school board disagrees with the school supervisor's or ASE's or AEPA's recommendations, the board will submit a formal, written certification of its determinations to the school supervisor or ASE or AEPA within 25 days. If the board's determinations are not received within the 25 days, the school supervisor or ASE or AEPA shall issue the 60 day notification of renewal or nonrenawal to the individual as required under § 38.8.

    (2) When the school board submits its determination within the 25 days and determines that a contract will be renewed, or nonrenewed, the appropriate official shall issue the required renewal notice, or nonrenawal, or appeal the determination of the school board to the appropriate official who will make a determination in accordance with the appeal procedure is § 38.7(a) of this part. After the probationary period, if the determination is that the contract will not be renewed, the procedures specified in § 38.8 shall apply.