§ 39.55 - Responsible local fiscal agent.  

Latest version.
  • The responsible fiscal agent shall:

    (a) Expend funds solely in accordance with the local educational financial plan, as ratified or amended by the local school board, unless in the case of Bureau operated schools, this plan has been overturned under the appeal process prescribed in these rules, in which case expenditures shall be made in accordance with the local educational financial plan as determined by the Agency Superintendent of Education.

    (b) Sign all documents required for the obligation and or payment of funds and documentation of receipt of goods and services.

    (c) Report at least quarterly to the local school board on the amounts expended, amounts obligated and amounts currently remaining in funds budgeted for each program of services in the local financial plan.

    (d) Recommend changes in budget amounts, as required for effective management of resources to carry out the local financial plan, and incorporate such changes in the budget as are ratified by the local school board, subject to provisions for appeal and overturn.