Subpart A - General
§ 45.1 - General responsibility.
§ 45.2 - Provision of early childhood special education programs and services.
§ 45.3 - Children of ages eighteen through twenty-one.
§ 45.4 - Full educational opportunity.
§ 45.5 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Identification and Evaluation of Handicapped Children
§ 45.11 - Child find.
§ 45.12 - Child find—elements.
§ 45.13 - Register of children.
§ 45.14 - General entry screening.
§ 45.15 - Periodic school screening.
§ 45.16 - Screening personnel.
§ 45.17 - Screening results and referrals.
§ 45.18 - Individual evaluations.
§ 45.19 - Evaluation procedures.
§ 45.20 - Individual evaluation objectives.
§ 45.21 - Formation of multi-disciplinary evaluation teams.
§ 45.22 - Composition of multi-disciplinary evaluation teams.
§ 45.23 - Content of individual evaluations.
§ 45.24 - Test administration.
§ 45.25 - Location of evaluation.
§ 45.26 - Multi-disciplinary evaluation team procedures.
§ 45.27 - Emergency evaluation and placement.
§ 45.28 - Independent educational evaluation.
§ 45.29 - Additional procedures for evaluating specific learning disabilities.
Subpart C - Provision of Special Education and Related Services
§ 45.30 - Free appropriate public education.
§ 45.31 - Individualized education program (IEP).
§ 45.32 - Content of individualized education program (IEP).
§ 45.33 - Individualized education program (IEP) development.
§ 45.34 - Placement recommendation in the IEP.
§ 45.35 - Approval of IEP and placement recommendation.
§ 45.36 - Parent participation.
§ 45.37 - IEP implementation and placement.
§ 45.38 - IEP revision, review of placement.
§ 45.39 - Re-evaluation.
§ 45.40 - Extended school year services.
§ 45.41 - Outcome goals.
§ 45.42 - Related services.
§ 45.43 - Non-academic and extracurricular services.
§ 45.44 - Physical education and athletics.
§ 45.45 - Expulsion/suspension.
§ 45.46 - Geographic accessibility.
§ 45.47 - Architectural barriers and program accessibility.
§ 45.48 - Handicapped children in private schools placed or referred by agencies.
§ 45.49 - Handicapped children in private schools placed by parents.
Subpart D - Procedural Safeguards
§ 45.51 - Notice to parents.
§ 45.52 - Parental consent.
§ 45.53 - Rights of handicapped children.
§ 45.54 - Access rights.
§ 45.55 - Confidentiality of information.
§ 45.56 - Surrogate parents.
§ 45.57 - Conciliation/mediation.
§ 45.58 - Initiation of hearings.
§ 45.59 - Hearing officers.
§ 45.60 - Impartial hearing officer.
§ 45.61 - Hearing reports.
§ 45.62 - Timelines and convenience of hearings and reviews.
§ 45.63 - Administrative appeal: impartial review.
Subpart E - Personnel
§ 45.65 - In-service training.
§ 45.66 - Qualifications of staff.
Subpart F - School Administration
§ 45.70 - Assurance of compliance.
§ 45.71 - Annual evaluation.
§ 45.72 - Comparability of facilities.
§ 45.73 - Non-discrimination.
Subpart G - Responsibilities of the Division
§ 45.74 - The Division.
§ 45.75 - Monitoring.
§ 45.76 - Complaint procedures.
§ 45.77 - Use of available funds.
§ 45.78 - Children for whom the Division of Social Services has accepted financial responsibility.
§ 45.79 - Cooperative agreements.
§ 45.80 - Bureau of Indian Affairs Advisory Committee for Exceptional Children.