§ 45.12 - Child find—elements.  

Latest version.
  • Each Agency shall:

    (a) Conduct a formal community survey through any effective method to identify children of all ages who may be in need of special education and related services.

    (b) Regularly present or distribute child find information at tribal government or agency meetings, tribal fairs, chapter/district meetings, etc.

    (c) Establish a system of in-school identification by which each local school supervisor or designee refers children whose academic performance, attendance, or other behavior indicates the possibility of a handicapping condition for an individual evaluation.

    (d) Establish a procedure by which child identification data is regularly collected from the Indian Health Service, local Headstart programs, day care facilities, group homes, local public and non-public schools, the state education agency (of the state in which the Agency is located), tribal agencies and/or organizations and any other appropriate education, health, welfare or social service organization in the community served by the Agency. A formal procedure for the exchange of information between the State Organizational Unit conducting the “Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program” (mandated by title XIX of the Social Security Act) for the state in which the school is located and the Agency in which the school is located shall be established within 180 days from the effective date of this part.

    (e) Publish public information articles and programs in local media, including announcements of times, dates, and places of free orientation workshops and free screening.

    (f) Initiate annual community-wide communication to all parents of school age children which describes the special education program. Such communication shall emphasize the availability of programs and services for school age children.