§ 45.14 - General entry screening.  

Latest version.
  • Each school shall participate in a screening program for all newly enrolled children and children who have not previously been screened in the school. Such screening shall be conducted by the school in order to identify those children who should be referred for a full individual evaluation. The general entry screening shall consist of the following elements, appropriately adapted for use with children of his/her particular age. This screening must be completed within thirty (30) days of the child's enrollment and include at a minimum:

    (a) An appropriate vision screening;

    (b) An appropriate hearing screening;

    (c) A screening of the child's primary language skills;

    (d) The administration by a classroom teacher of a general screening instrument (i.e., rating scale) to provide information regarding:

    (1) Current academic performances,

    (2) Social and emotional behavior,

    (3) Gross motor skills,

    (4) Fine motor skills,

    (5) Any observable health problems, and

    (6) The teachers impression of the need for additional assessment.