§ 45.17 - Screening results and referrals.  

Latest version.
  • The school supervisor or designee shall review all results obtained through the screening procedures indicated in §§ 45.14—45.15 with the classroom teacher as a team within ten (10) days of completion of this screening and determine if an individual evaluation is warranted.

    (a) Upon the determination that an individual evaluation is needed, the school supervisor or designee shall within twenty (20) days complete the following:

    (1) Inform the parents of the screening results and the recommendations of the team.

    (2) Explain parental rights as required in § 45.51 to the parents.

    (3) Obtain parental consent to perform an individual evaluation.

    (4) When parental consent for an individual evaluation is obtained a formal referral must be prepared according to procedures established by the Agency Special Education Coordinator in consultation with the school supervisor. The referral shall be fowarded to the appropriate personnel for action.

    (b) Should parental consent be denied, possible alternatives to formal evaluation such as modifications to the regular classroom program must be considered and discussed with the parent and classroom teacher prior to implementing due process procedures as provided in § 45.58. The discussion required in this part must be held within five (5) days of formal denial of consent and any modifications agreed upon must be implemented within thirty (30) days. If no agreement can be reached through these “conciliation” measures the due process procedures in § 45.58 should be considered.

    (c) Nothing in this part is to be interpreted as prohibiting the child's parent, teacher or school administrator from referring a child for an individual evaluation should they feel that an evaluation is needed regardless of the screening cycle.

    (d) Screening scales completed on children must be kept in the child's cumulative file until the succeeding scale is completed. If a child is placed in a Special Education Program, the screening results will then become a part of the child's handling file. The child, once placed, will become exempt from the screening procedures conducted thereafter.