§ 45.26 - Multi-disciplinary evaluation team procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each individual evaluation must be completed, with full attention to its comprehensiveness and thoroughness, within thirty days from the date of written parental consent. An extension of time of thirty additional days may be approved in writing by the Agency Superintendent for Education after written documentation by the school that unusual circumstances exist preventing completion of the individual evaluation in the specified time. No more than one extension may be approved in connection with a single individual evaluation unless approved in writing by the Director, or designee.

    (b) The comprehensive assessment must reflect a compilation of information drawn from different assessment sources. The depth of the assessment in each area will vary based on the initial review of screening information conducted by the school supervisor.

    (c) The Special Education Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that full and complete records of information collected or generated in connection with an individual evaluation are maintained. A report setting forth a full written explanation of the findings and the recommendations made by the multi-disciplinary evaluation team must be prepared. The report must include:

    (1) A description of the child's present level of functioning;

    (2) A description of the needs of the child in rank order of importance;

    (3) A recommendation of the types of services which should be provided for each listed need;

    (4) A written summary of the procedures employed, the results, and the diagnostic impression;

    (5) A proposed date for the review of the child's progress prior to the review required in § 45.38, if such assessment so indicates; and

    (6) Criteria by which at that time, the effectiveness of the child's program may be determined.

    (d) Each member of the multi-disciplinary evaluation team shall certify in writing whether the report prepared by the team reflects his or her conclusions, and if not, shall submit a separate statement presenting his or her conclusions. The report must be prepared no later than fifteen (15) days after completion of the evaluation.

    (e) Members of the multi-disciplinary evaluation teams must be responsible for all aspects of the individual evaluation including: the selection; administration and interpretation of evaluation materials; the collection of all appropriate social and cultural background and adaptive behavior information related to each evaluation; and the confidentiality of information collected during the individual evaluation.