§ 45.55 - Confidentiality of information.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The confidentiality of personally identifiable information must be protected at collection, storage, disclosure, and destruction stages.

    (b) One person designated by the school must assume responsibility for insuring the confidentiality of any personally identifiable information.

    (c) All persons collecting or using personally identifiable information must receive training or instruction regarding the policies and procedures set forth in this subpart.

    (d) Schools must maintain, for public inspection, a current listing of the names and positions of the employees who may have access to personally identifiable information.

    (e) Schools must inform parents when personally identifiable information collected, maintained, or used under this part is no longer needed to provide educational services to the child. The information must be destroyed at the request of the parents. However, a permanent record of a student's name, address, phone number, grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed may be maintained without time limitation.