§ 45.63 - Administrative appeal: impartial review.

Latest version.
  • (a) A decision made in a hearing conducted under this subpart is final, unless a party to the hearing appeals the hearing decision.

    (b) A party aggrieved by the findings and decision in the hearing may, within ten (10) days of the decision, appeal to the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs who may designate an official to conduct the review.

    (c) The Official conducting the review shall:

    (1) Examine the entire hearing record;

    (2) Insure that the procedures at the hearing more consistent with the requirements of due process;

    (3) Seek additional evidence if necessary. If a hearing is held to receive additional evidence, the rights in § 45.62 apply;

    (4) Afford the parties an opportunity for oral or written argument, or both, at the discretion of the reviewing official;

    (5) Make an independent decision on completion of the review; and

    (6) Provide written findings and the decision to the parties.

    (d) The Department of the Interior considers the decision made by the reviewing official as final.