Part 518 - Self-Regulation of Class Ii Gaming  

§ 518.1 - What does this part cover?
§ 518.2 - Who will administer the self-regulation program for the Commission?
§ 518.3 - Who is eligible to petition for a certificate of self-regulation?
§ 518.4 - What must a tribe submit to the Commission as part of its petition?
§ 518.5 - What criteria must a tribe meet to receive a certificate of self-regulation?
§ 518.6 - What are the responsibilities of the Office of Self-Regulation in the certification process?
§ 518.7 - What process will the Commission use to review and certify petitions?
§ 518.8 - What is the hearing process?
§ 518.9 - When will a certificate of self-regulation become effective?
§ 518.10 - What must a self-regulating tribe provide the Commission to maintain its self-regulatory status?
§ 518.11 - Does a tribe that holds a certificate of self-regulation have a continuing duty to advise the Commission of any additional information?
§ 518.12 - Which investigative or enforcement powers of the Commission are inapplicable to self-regulating tribes?
§ 518.13 - When may the Commission revoke a certificate of self-regulation?
§ 518.14 - May a tribe request a hearing on the Commission's proposal to revoke its certificate of self-regulation?