§ 577.3 - Request for hearing.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A respondent may request a hearing to contest the matters listed in §577.1(a)(1)–(4) by submitting a notice of appeal to the Commission within thirty (30) days after service of:

    (1) A notice of violation;

    (2) A proposed civil fine assessment or reassessment;

    (3) An order of temporary closure; or

    (4) An order voiding or modifying a management contract subsequent to initial approval.

    (b) A notice of appeal shall reference the notice or order from which the appeal is taken.

    (c) Within ten (10) days after filing a notice of appeal, the respondent shall file with the Commission a supplemental statement that states with particularity the relief desired and the grounds therefor and that includes, when available, supporting evidence in the form of affidavits. If the respondent wishes to present oral testimony or witnesses at the hearing, the respondent shall include a request to do so with the supplemental statement. The request to present oral testimony or witnesses shall specify the names of proposed witnesses and the general nature of their expected testimony, and whether a closed hearing is requested and why. The respondent may waive in writing his or her right to an oral hearing and instead elect to have the matter determined by the Commission solely on the basis of written submissions.