Subpart B - Minimum Standards of Character and Suitability for Employment  

§ 63.10 - Purpose.
§ 63.11 - What is a determination of suitability for employment and efficiency of service?
§ 63.12 - What are minimum standards of character?
§ 63.13 - What does the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act require of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian tribes or tribal organizations receiving funds under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act or the Tribally Controlled Schools Act?
§ 63.14 - What positions require a background investigation and determination of suitability for employment or retention?
§ 63.15 - What questions should an employer ask?
§ 63.16 - Who conducts the background investigation and prepares the determination of suitability for employment?
§ 63.17 - How does an employer determine suitability for employment and efficiency of service?
§ 63.18 - Are the requirements for Bureau of Indian Affairs adjudication different from the requirements for Indian tribes and tribal organizations?
§ 63.19 - When should an employer deny employment or dismiss an employee?
§ 63.20 - What should an employer do if an individual has been charged with an offense but the charge is pending or no disposition has been made by a court?
§ 63.21 - Are there other factors that may disqualify an applicant, volunteer or employee from placement in a position which involves regular contact with or control over Indian children?
§ 63.22 - Can an employer certify an individual with a prior conviction or substantiated misconduct as suitable for employment?
§ 63.23 - What rights does an applicant, volunteer or employee have during this process?
§ 63.24 - What protections must employers provide to applicants, volunteers and employees?
§§ 63.25--63.29 - [Reserved]