SubChapter D—Miscellaneous Excise Taxes  

Part 40 - Excise Tax Procedural Regulations
Part 41 - Excise Tax on Use of Certain Highway Motor Vehicles
Part 43 - Excise Tax on Transportation by Water
Part 44 - Taxes on Wagering; Effective January 1, 1955
Part 46 - Excise Tax on Certain Insurance Policies, Self-Insured Health Plans, and Obligations Not in Registered Form
Part 48 - Manufacturers and Retailers Excise Taxes
Part 49 - Facilities and Services Excise Taxes
Part 50 - Regulations Relating to the Tax Imposed With Respect to Certain Hydraulic Mining
Part 51 - Branded Prescription Drug Fee
Part 52 - Environmental Taxes
Part 53 - Foundation and Similar Excise Taxes
Part 54 - Pension Excise Taxes
Part 55 - Excise Tax on Real Estate Investment Trusts and Regulated Investment Companies
Part 56 - Public Charity Excise Taxes
Part 57 - Health Insurance Providers Fee
Part 141 - Temporary Excise Tax Regulations Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
Part 143 - Temporary Excise Tax Regulations Under the Tax Reform Act of 1969
Part 145 - Temporary Excise Tax Regulations Under the Highway Revenue Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-424)
Part 148 - Certain Excise Tax Matters Under the Excise Tax Technical Changes Act of 1958
Part 156 - Excise Tax on Greenmail
Part 157 - Excise Tax on Structured Settlement Factoring Transactions
Part 58 - Stock Repurchase Excise Tax
Parts 151--155 - [Reserved]
Parts 158--169 - [Reserved]