§ 1.374-4 - Property acquired by electric railway corporation in corporate reorganizing proceeding.

Latest version.
  • Subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in section 374(b)(2), if the reorganization under section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 501 and following) of an electric railway corporation results in the acquisition of the property of such corporation by another corporation, the basis of such property in the hands of the acquiring corporation is the same as it would be in the hands of the old corporation. It is requisite to the application of the section that both corporations be street, suburban, or interurban electric railway corporations engaged in the transportation of persons or property in interstate commerce, and that the acquisition is in pursuance of an order of the court and is an integral step in the consummation of a reorgnizing plan approved by the court having jurisidiction of the proceeding. If section 374(b)(2) applies, section 270 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 670), relating to the adjustment of basis by reason of the cancellation or reduction of indebtedness in a corporate reorganization proceeding, is inapplicable. Moreover, if the transaction is within the provisons of section 374(b)(2) and may also be considered to be within any other basis provision, then the provisions of section 374(b)(2) only shall apply.