§ 1.415-8 - Combining and aggregating plans.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In general. Under section 415(f) and this section, for purposes of applying the limitations of section 415 (b), (c), and (e) applicable to a participant for a particular limitation year—

    (1) All qualified defined benefit plans (without regard to whether a plan has been terminated) ever maintained by the employer will be treated as one defined benefit plan, and

    (2) All qualified defined contribution plans (without regard to whether a plan has been terminated) ever maintained by the employer will be treated as one defined contribution plan.

    (b) Annual compensation taken into account where employer maintains more than one defined benefit plan. If more than one qualified defined benefit plan is being aggregated under paragraph (a) of this section for a particular limitation year, in applying the defined benefit compensation limitation (as described in section 415(b)(1)(B)) to the annual benefit of a participant under each plan, the participant's high 3 years of compensation is determined in accordance with § 1.415-3(a)(3).

    (c) Affiliated employers. Any qualified defined benefit plan or qualified defined contribution plan maintained by any member of a controlled group of corporations (within the meaning of section 414(b) as modified by section 415(h)) or by any trade or business (whether or not incorporated) under common control (within the meaning of section 414(c) as modified by section 415(h)) is deemed maintained by all such members or such trades or businesses.

    (d) Section 403(b) annuity contracts—(1) In general. In the case of an annuity contract described in section 403(b), except as provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, the participant on whose behalf the annuity contract is purchased is considered to have exclusive control of the annuity contract. Accordingly, the participant, and not the participant's employer who purchased the section 403(b) annuity contract, is deemed to maintain the annuity contract.

    (2) Special rules under which the employer is deemed to maintain the annuity contract. If a participant on whose behalf a section 403(b) annuity contract is purchased has elected to have the provisions of section 415(c)(4)(C) and § 1.415-6(e)(5) apply for a taxable year, the annuity contract is treated as a defined contribution plan maintained by both the employer that purchased the annuity contract and the participant on whose behalf it was purchased for the limitation year which ends during such taxable year. Even if the election under section 415(c)(4)(C) is not made, where a participant, on whose behalf a section 403(b) annuity contract is purchased, is in control of any employer within the meaning of section 414 (b) or (c) as modified by section 415(h) for a limitation year, the annuity contract for the benefit of the participant is treated as a defined contribution plan maintained by both the controlled employer and the participant for that limitation year. Thus, for example, if a doctor is employed by an educational organization which provides him with a section 403(b) annunity contract and also maintains a private practice as a shareholder owning more than 50 percent of a professional corporation, any qualified defined contribution plan of the professional corporation must be combined with the section 403(b) annuity contract for purposes of applying the limitations of section 415(c) and § 1.415-6. For purposes of this paragraph, it is immaterial whether the section 403(b) annuity contract is purchased as a result of a salary reduction agreement between the employer and the participant.

    (e) Multiemployer plans. Multiemployer plans, as defined in section 414(f), shall not be aggregated with other multiemployer plans. However, where an employer maintains both a plan which is not a multiemployer plan and a multiemployer plan, the plan which is not a multiemployer plan shall be aggregated (based on its limitation year) with the multiemployer plan to the extent that benefits provided under the multiemployer plan are provided by such employer with respect to a common participant. See § 1.415-1(e)(2) for a rule relating to the computation of the benefits provided by an employer under a section 414(f) multiemployer plan.

    (f) Special rules for combining certain plans, etc. If a plan, annuity contract or arrangement is subject to a special limitation in addition to, or instead of, the regular limitations described in section 415 (b) or (c), and is combined under this section with a plan which is subject only to the regular section 415 (b) or (c) limitations, the following rules shall apply:

    (1) Each plan, annuity contract or arrangement which is subject to a special limitation must meet its own applicable limitation and each plan subject to the regular limitations of section 415 must meet its applicable limitation.

    (2) The combined limitations shall be the larger of the applicable limitations.

    (g) Special priority rule for TRASOP's. For a special rule concerning allocations to a participant's account under an Employee Stock Ownership Plan under section 301(d) of the Tax Reduction Act of 1975, see § 1.46-6(d)(6)(v).

    (h) Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:

    Example (1).

    M is an employee of ABC Corporation and XYZ Corporation. ABC maintains a qualified noncontributory defined benefit plan in which M participates and XYZ maintains a qualified defined contribution plan in which M participates. ABC Corporation and XYZ Corporation are members of a controlled group of corporations within the meaning of section 414(b) as modified by section 415(h). Because ABC Corporation and XYZ Corporation are members of a controlled group of corporations within the meaning of section 414(b) as modified by section 415(h), M is treated as being employed by a single employer. Thus, M's annual benefit under the defined benefit plan maintained by ABC may not exceed the limitations of section 415(b) and § 1.415-3; the annual additions to M's account under the defined contribution plan maintained by XYZ may not exceed the limitations of section 415(c) and § 1.415-6; and, in addition, the two plans may not exceed the limitations of section 415(e) and § 1.415-7.

    Example (2).

    Assume the same facts as in example (1), except that the qualified defined benefit plan maintained by ABC Corporation provides for employee contributions (whether mandatory or voluntary). Under § 1.415-3(d), ABC Corporation will be considered to be maintaining a defined contribution plan consisting of M's contributions to the defined benefit plan. For purposes of applying the limitations of section 415(e) and § 1.415-7, the qualified defined benefit plan maintained by ABC must be combined with the defined contribution plan which ABC is considered to maintain. In addition, because corporations ABC and XYZ are members of a controlled group of corporations (within the meaning of section 414(b), as modified by section 415(h)), for purposes of applying the limitations of section 415(c) and § 1.415-6, the qualified defined contribution plan maintained by XYZ must be combined with the define contribution plan which ABC is considered to be maintaining and the defined contribution plans (as combined) must be aggregated with the qualified defined benefit plan maintained by ABC for purposes of the limitations imposed by section 415(e) and § 1.415-7.