§ 1.442-2T - Special limitations on certain changes of annual accounting period (temporary).  

Latest version.
  • (a) Applicability. This section applies to any taxpayer that wishes to change its annual accounting period, or that wishes to adopt an annual accounting period described in paragraph (h) of this section. This section shall not apply, however, to:

    (1) Any taxpayer to which the provisions of § 1.1502-76 apply (other than a taxpayer to which the provisions of paragraph (h) of this section apply);

    (2) Any taxpayer to which the provisions of § 1.442-1(e) apply;

    (3) Any taxpayer that wishes to change its annual accounting period to a calendar year (including a change under 26 CFR 18.1378-1(b)) or to a 52-53-week taxable year that ends with reference to the month of December (see, however, § 1.441-3T);

    (4) Any partnership that wishes to change its annual accounting period under § 1.706-1(b)(1) to the same taxable year as that of all of its principal partners or to which all of its principal partners are concurrently changing;

    (5) Any corporation seeking S status that wishes to change its annual accounting period under section 4.02 of Rev. Proc. 83-25, 1983-1 C.B. 689, to the same taxable year as that of shareholders holding more than 50 percent of the shares of stock of the corporation or to which such shareholders are concurrently changing;

    (6) Any corporation seeking S status that wishes to change its annual accounting period under section 4.04 of Rev. Proc. 83-25, 1983-1 C.B. 689;

    (7) Any taxpayer that wishes to change to a 52-53-week taxable year that ends with reference to the same calendar month as that in which the former taxable year ended (see, however, § 1.441-3T); or

    (8) Any organization exempt under section 501(a), and any plan meeting the requirements for qualification under section 401(a) and which is exempt under section 501 (a), except those organizations and plans required to file a Form 990-T for the short period involved in the change of annual accounting period.

    (b) General rule. A taxpayer to which this section applies may not change its annual accounting period under the provisions of—

    (1) Paragraph (c) of § 1.442-1,

    (2) Paragraph (b) of § 1.706-1,

    (3) 26 CFR 18.1378-1(b),

    (4) Rev. Proc. 72-51, 1972-2 C.B. 832, or

    (5) Any revenue procedure issued before September 18, 1986, that, without regard to this section, would permit a taxpayer to change its taxable year either under a procedure that does not require the prior approval of the Commissioner or under expedited procedures for obtaining that approval.

    Examples of procedures suspended by paragraph (b)(5) of this section include Rev. Proc. 84-34, 1984-1 C.B. 508, and those portions of Rev. Proc. 83-25, 1983-1 C.B. 689, that apply to changes of annual accounting period. In addition, the Commission will not consider a request by a taxpayer to which this section applies for approval of a change of annual accounting period under § 1.442-1(b)(1) unless the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section are satisfied. A taxpayer to which this section applies may, however, change its annual accounting period without securing the prior approval of the Commissioner if the taxpayer can establish a substantial business purpose for the change under paragraph (c) of this section and agrees to all of the applicable conditions set forth in paragraph (d) of this section.

    (c) Substantial business purpose—(1) General rule. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, a taxpayer generally can establish a substantial business purpose under this paragraph (c) for a change of annual accounting period to any taxable year that meets the requirements of paragraph (c)(2) of this section. If more than one taxable year meets the requirements of paragraph (c)(2), however, a taxpayer can establish a substantial business purpose under this paragraph (c) only for a change to the year that yields the highest percentage when the percentages (rounded to the nearest 1/100 of a percent) obtained under paragraph (c)(2) of this section are averaged.

    (2) Mechanical test. A taxable year meets the requirements of this paragraph (c)(2) only if, for the most recent 12-month period (determined at the time the statement or application required to effect or request the change is filed) ending with the last month of the requested taxable year and for each of the two preceding 12-month periods ending with the corresponding month—

    (i) The gross receipts from sales or services for the last two months of such 12-month period equal or exceed 25 percent of—

    (ii) The gross receipts from sales or services for such 12-month period.

    (3) Special rules—(i) Gross receipts. For purposes of this section, gross receipts from sales or services shall be determined using the taxpayer's method of accounting.

    (ii) 52-53-week taxable year. If the requested year is a 52-53-week taxable year, the calendar month ending nearest to the last day of the 52-53-week taxable year shall be treated for purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of this section as the last month of the requested year.

    (iii) Taxpayers not in existence for three 12-month periods. If a taxpayer has not been in existence for the three 12-month periods described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the requirements of paragraph (c)(2) of this section may be satisfied by taking into account the gross receipts from sales and services of a predecessor organization (within the meaning of section 4.04 of Rev. Proc. 83-25) that was actively engaged in a trade or business at all times during the portion of the three applicable 12-month periods prior to the inception of the taxpayer. Thus, a taxpayer in existence for only the most recent applicable 12-month period may use the gross receipts of a predecessor organization for the two preceding 12-month periods.

    (4) Exceptions. The following taxpayers cannot establish a substantial business purpose for a change of annual accounting period under this section solely by satisfying the requirements of this paragraph (c), and, thus, must secure the prior approval of the Commissioner to the change:

    (i) A partner of a partnership;

    (ii) A partnership in which any partner is a partnership or S corporation;

    (iii) A beneficiary of a trust or estate;

    (iv) A United States shareholder of a controlled foreign corporation; and

    (v) A shareholder of a DISC or former DISC.

    (5) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph (c) may be illustrated by the following examples.

    Example (1).

    Assume that X, a calendar year corporation that is not described in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, wishes to change its annual accounting period to a fiscal year that ends on November 30. If the change is permitted under this section, the short period involved in the change would end on November 30, 1986. Under paragraph (f) of this section, X must attach a statement to its income tax return for the short period ending November 30, 1986, in order to effect the change. For purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the most recent 12-month period ending with the last month of the requested taxable year (November), determined as of the time the statement required to effect the change is filed, is the period that begins on December 1, 1985, and ends on November 30, 1986. The two preceding 12-month periods ending with the corresponding month are the periods from December 1, 1984, through November 30, 1985, and from December 1, 1983, through November 30, 1984.

    Example (2).

    Assume that X, a calendar year corporation that is not described in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, wishes to change its annual accounting period to a fiscal year that ends on September 30. Assume that the most recent 12-month period determined under paragraph (c)(2) of this section is the period from October 1, 1985, through September 30, 1986, and that the two preceding 12-month periods are the periods from October 1, 1984, through September 30, 1985, and from October 1, 1983, through September 30, 1984.

    Assume that the gross receipts from sales or services for the last two months of the 12-month periods ending on September 30, 1986, September 30, 1985, and September 30, 1984, are $3,500, $3,125, and $2,500, respectively. Assume further that the total gross receipts for the 12-month periods ending on September 30, 1986, September 30, 1985, and September 30, 1984, are $12,500, $12,000, and $10,000, respectively. The following percentages are obtained for the 12-month periods ending on September 30, 1986, September 30, 1985, and September 30, 1984, when the gross receipts for the last two months of each period are divided by the total gross receipts for that 12-month period: 28.00% ($3,500/$12,500), 26.04% ($3,125/$12,000), and 25.00% ($2,500/$10,000). Thus, the requirements of paragraph (c)(2) of this section are satisfied since each of those percentages equals or exceeds 25%.

    Example (3).

    Assume the same facts as in example (2) except that X wishes to change its annual accounting period to a fiscal year that ends on July 31. In addition, assume that the percentages obtained for purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of this section with respect to a fiscal year that ends on July 31 are 26.00%, 25.00%, and 25.00%. Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, X can establish a substantial business purpose only for a fiscal year that ends on September 30 since the average of the percentages obtained under paragraph (c)(2) of this section with respect to that year (26.35%) exceeds the average of the percentages obtained with respect to a fiscal year that ends on July 31 (25.33%).

    (d) Conditions. The requirements of this section are in addition to any applicable conditions under sections 441, 442, 443, 706, and 1378. Thus, for example, a taxpayer must annualize income for the short period involved in a change of annual accounting period to which this section applies if required to do so under section 443(b). The following additional conditions apply under this section to any change of annual accounting period made by a corporation (other than an S corporation) without the prior approval of the Commissioner:

    (1) If the taxpayer has a net operating loss as defined in section 172 for the short period involved in the change, that net operating loss must be deducted ratably over a six-year period beginning with the first taxable year after the short period unless—

    (i) The net operating loss resulting from the short period is $10,000 or less, or

    (ii) The net operating loss results from a short period of nine months or longer and is less than the net operating loss for a full 12-month period beginning with the first day of the short period.

    (2) If the taxpayer has an unused credit for the short period, the taxpayer must carry the unused credit forward. Unused credits from the short period may not be carried back.

    (3) The taxpayer may not make an election to be treated as an S corporation that would be effective for the taxable year immediately following the short period.

    (e) Prior approval of the Commissioner—(1) In general. The Commissioner will not consider a request for approval to a change of annual accounting period under this section unless—

    (i) The taxpayer is described in paragraph (c)(4) of this section and the taxable year to which the taxpayer wishes to change meets the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section, or

    (ii) The taxpayer has experienced a substantial acquisition or diverstiture, as defined in paragraph (e)(2) of this section.

    (2) Substantial acquisition or diverstiture—(i) In general. For purposes of this paragraph (e), a taxpayer has not experienced a substantial acquisition or diverstiture unless—

    (A) The taxpayer has acquired or disposed of a block of assets on or after the first day of the taxable year immediately preceeding the short period involved in the change of annual accounting period,

    (B) At all times during the applicable 12-month periods (as defined in paragraph (e)(2)(iii) of this section), including any period during which the assets were not held by the taxpayer, the assets were segregated, whether in a separate branch or division or otherwise, so that the gross receipts attributable to those assets can be identified, and

    (C) The requirements of paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section are satisfied.

    If a taxpayer has experienced a substantial acquisition or diverstiture it is anticipated that the Commissioner will usually approve a change of annual accounting period to a taxable year that would meet the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section if pro-forma gross receipts (i.e., gross receipts that would have resulted if the acquistion or diverstiture had taken place at the beginning of the earliest applicable 12-month period) were substituted for the gross receipts described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. The failure of a requested taxable year to meet the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) when pro-forma gross receipts are used, however, will not prevent the Commissioner from approving the change.

    (ii) Mechanical test. A taxpayer has experienced a substantial acquisition or diverstiture for purposes of this paragraph (e) only if—

    (A) The aggregate of the gross receipts from sales and services (within the meaning of paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section) for the applicable 12-month periods attributable to the acquired or divested assets (including receipts for any period during which the assets were not held by the taxpayer), exceeds 80 percent of—

    (B) The aggregate of the gross receipts from sales and services (within the meaning of paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section ) of the taxpayer for the applicable 12-month periods, determined without taking into account the gross receipts from sales and services attributable to the acquired or divested assets.

    (iii) Applicable 12-month periods. For purposes of this paragraph (e)(2), the term “applicable 12-month periods” means—

    (A) In the case of an acquisition, the 12-month periods described in paragraph (c)(2) of the section; and

    (B) In the case of divestiture, the 12-month periods described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section that end before the date of the divestiture.

    (iv) Example. The provisions of this paragraph (e) may be illustrated by the following example.


    Assume that X, a calendar year corporation, wishes to change its annual accounting period to a fiscal year ending October 31, 1986. Assume that on January 1, 1986, X acquired from corporation Y a block of assets that Y held in a separate division and that X also holds in a separate division. Assume that the most recent 12-month period described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section is the period that begins on November 1, 1985, and ends on October 31, 1986, and that the two preceding 12-month periods are the periods from November 1, 1984 through October 31, 1985, and from November 1, 1983, through October 31, 1984. Assume that the gross receipts attributable to the assets acquired from Y for the 12-month period ending October 31, 1986 (including the receipts attributable to the period from November 1, 1985, through December 31, 1985, when the assets were held by Y, and the receipts attributable to the period from January 1, 1986, through October 31, 1986, when the assets were held by X), are $8,000. In addition, assume that the gross receipts attributable to the assets acquired from Y for the 12-month periods ending October 31, 1985, and October 31, 1984, when the assets were held by Y, are $7,500, and $7,000, respectively. Assume further that X's gross receipts from sales and services for the 12-month period ending October 31, 1986, October 31, 1985, and October 31, 1984, without taking into account gross receipts attributable to the assets acquired from Y, are $10,000, $9,000, and $8,000, respectively. The requirements of paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section are satisfied since $22,500 ($8,000 + $7,500 + $7,000) exceeds 80 percent of $27,000 ($10,00 + $9,000 + $8,000). Thus, the Commissioner will consider X's request to change its taxable year to a fiscal year ending October 31, 1986.

    (f) Procedures—(1) Changes not requiring the prior approval of the Commissioner. In order to effect a change that does not require the prior approval of the Commissioner under this section, a taxpayer must indicate that the requirements of this section are satisfied in a statement setting forth the computations required to establish a substantial business purpose under paragraph (c) of this section. The statement also must indicate that the taxpayer has agreed to all of the applicable conditions to the change, including any applicable conditions contained in § 1.441-3T. A taxpayer (other than a corporation seeking S status) must attach the statement to the income tax return for the short period involved in the change and, in addition, must type or legibly print the following caption at the top of page 1 of the return; “FILED UNDER § 1.442-2T (f)(1).” In the case of a corporation seeking S status, the statement must be attached to Form 2553 and the caption “FILED UNDER § 1.442-2T (f)(1)” must be typed or printed legibly at the top of page 1 of Form 2553.

    (2) Changes requiring the prior approval of the Commissioner. In the case of a change of annual accounting period that requires the prior approval of the Commissioner under this section, a taxpayer must file Form 1128 or Form 2553, whichever is applicable. (See paragraph (e)(1) of this section for situations in which a request for approval will be considered.) The taxpayer must indicate that the application is filed under this paragraph (f)(2) by typing or printing legibly the following caption at the top of page 1 of the Form 1128 or Form 2553: “FILED UNDER § 1.442-2T (f)(2).” The taxpayer also must attach a statement to the applicable form setting forth the computations described in paragraph (c) of this section. In addition, a taxpayer described in paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section must attach a statement setting forth the computations described in paragraph (e)(2) of this section.

    (3) Time for filing. (i) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (f)(3)(ii) of this section, a taxpayer cannot change its annual accounting period under this section unless the return or form required to effect or request the change is filed by its due date (with extensions if the change is effected by filing an income tax return for the short period involved in the change).

    (ii) A taxpayer may change its annual accounting period under this section if the due date (without regard to extensions) for the return or form required to effect or request the change is on or after September 30, 1986, and before March 9, 1987 and the return or form is filed before March 9, 1987 (or, in the case of a change effected by filing an income tax return for the short period involved in the change, if an application for extension is filed before March 9, 1987. This paragraph only extends the time for changing an annual accounting period and does not extend the time for making an S election. An S election that is timely filed before March 9, 1987, however, will not be denied or rendered ineffective solely by reason of the need for the taxpayer to submit the information required by paragraph (f)(1) or (f)(2) of this section.

    (iii) In the case of a change of annual accounting period under this section that is effected by filing an income tax return for the short period involved in the change, any failure to file a return or to pay tax on or before the due date for the return or the date prescribed for payment will be treated as due to reasonable cause and will not give rise to any addition to tax under section 6651 if—

    (A) The due date for the return (without regard to extensions) or the date prescribed for payment is on or after September 30, 1986, and before March 9, 1987, and

    (B) The return (or application for extension) is filed and the tax is paid before March 9, 1987.

    (g) Effective date—(1) In general. This section shall apply to a change of annual accounting period (other than a change described in paragraph (g)(2) of this section) if—

    (i) The income tax return for the short period involved in the change is filed after September 29, 1986, and

    (ii) The short period involved in the change ends before January 5, 1987.

    (2) Exceptions. This section shall not apply to a change of annual accounting period if the application required to effect or request the change was timely filed before September 30, 1986. In the case of a change that is effected by filing an income tax return for the short period involved in the change, this section shall not apply if an application for extension to file that return was filed before September 30, 1986, the application clearly stated the year to which the taxpayer intended to change, and the income tax return for the short period is timely filed (determined with regard to extensions).

    (3) Hardship rule. A taxpayer can request a waiver from the provisions of this section if the taxpayer can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, that the taxpayer would sustain a substantial hardship from the application of this section, and if the short period involved in the change ends on or before October 5, 1986. A waiver ordinarily will not be granted unless the taxpayer can show that, by October 5, 1986, the taxpayer had closed its books in a manner that indicates that the period in question was intended to be the end of the short period, taken a physical inventory (if applicable), and incurred substantial costs in modifying its accounting systems (including, for example, costs of reprogramming applicable computer systems) in order to change its year. A request for a waiver under this paragraph (g)(3) must be filed with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 5040, Washington, DC 20224 by March 9, 1987. Any information submitted with the request for waiver shall be submitted under penalties of perjury.

    (h) Anti-abuse rule—(1) In general. A taxpayer may not adopt any taxable year that has the effect of circumventing the provisions of this section. The provisions of this section are deemed to be circumvented if, for example, a taxpayer that is unable to change its taxable year under this section transfers a substantial portion of its net assets to a related person and the related person purportedly adopts the desired taxable year. In that case, purported adoption of the desired taxable year will not be given effect and the related person must adopt the same taxable year as that of the taxpayer that is unable to change its taxable year under this section. For this purpose, the term “related person” has the same meaning as in section 168(e)(4)(D) (as in effect prior to the enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986), except that the second sentence thereof (relating to the substitution of 10 percent for 50 percent in applying sections 267(b) and 707(b)(1)) shall be disregarded.

    (2) Example. The provisions of paragraph (h)(1) of this section may be illustrated with the following example.


    Assume that X, a calendar year corporation, is subject to the restrictions on changes in annual accounting period under this section. Assume that X wishes to change its taxable year to a fiscal year ending November 30, 1986, but cannot do so because it does not meet the requirements of this section. Assume further that X creates corporation Y, a wholly-owned subsidiary of X, which purportedly adopts a taxable year ending November 30, 1986. In addition, assume that X transfers a substantial portion of its net assets to Y before November 30, 1986, in a transaction described in section 351 or 368. Under these facts, Y may not adopt a November 30 taxable year and instead must adopt a taxable year that ends on December 31, which is the taxable year of X.