§ 1.463-1T - Transitional rule for vested accrued vacation pay (temporary).  

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  • (a) Introduction. Section 91(i) of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 provides a transitional rule for the election under section 463, relating to accrual of vacation pay. Section 91(i) applies only in the case of taxpayers with respect to which a deduction was allowable (other than under section 463) for vested accrued vacation pay for the last taxable year ending or or before July 18, 1984.

    (b) Election under transitional rule. A taxpayer described in paragraph (a) of this section that makes an election under section 463 for the first taxable year ending after July 18, 1984, shall compute the opening balance of the account described in section 463(a)(1) (“accrual account”) with respect to such vacation pay under the rules provided in paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

    (c) Multiple vacation pay accounts within a single trade or business. (1) An election under section 463 must be made with respect to all vacation pay accounts maintained by the taxpayer within a single trade or business whether the liability is for vested accrued vacation pay or for vacation pay that is contingent.

    (2) If a taxpayer has elected, in a taxable year ending on or before July 18, 1984, to treat contingent vacation pay with respect to a single trade or business under section 463, the taxpayer may elect, under the provisions of section 91(i) of the Tax Reform Act of 1984, to treat vested accrued vacation pay with respect to the same trade or business under section 463. However, no election may be made with respect to vacation pay for which a prior section 463 election was made and that is accounted for under section 463.

    (d) Time for making election. A taxpayer described in paragraph (a) of this section that makes an election under section 463 for the first taxable year ending after July 18, 1984, must make the election on or before the due date (determined with regard to extensions) for filing the taxpayer's income tax return for such taxable year. However, if the taxpayer's income tax return was filed for the first taxable year ending after July 18, 1984, prior to March 6, 1986, the taxpayer must make the election by the later of the due date (determined with regard to extensions) for filing the taxpayer's income tax return, or May 5, 1986. In this case, the election must be made by filing an amended return (showing adjustments, if any) for such year and attaching the statement required by paragraph (e) of this section on or before the later of the due date (determined with regard to extensions) for filing the taxpayer's income tax return, or May 5, 1986.

    (e) Manner of making election. A taxpayer must make the election described in paragraph (b) of this section by attaching a statement to the taxpayer's income tax return for the first taxable year ending after July 18, 1984. The statement must indicate that the taxpayer is electing to apply the provisions of section 463 with respect to vested accrued vacation pay for the taxpayer's first taxable year ending after July 18, 1984. The statement must contain the following information:

    (1) The taxpayer's name and a description of the vacation pay plans to which the election applies.

    (2) If a taxpayer has more than one trade or business and is not making the election with respect to all trades or businesses, a description of the trades or businesses to which the election applies.

    (3) The opening balance in the taxpayer's accrual account. This balance equals the amount determined as if the taxpayer had maintained an account for the last taxable year ending on or before July 18, 1984, representing the taxpayer's liability for vested accrued vacation pay earned by employees before the close of the last taxable year ending on or before July 18, 1984, and payable during that taxable year or within 12 months following the close of that taxable year. If the taxpayer's liability for vacation pay includes both vested accrued vacation pay and vacation pay the liability for which is contingent, the amount in the opening balance of the accrual account that represents the taxpayer's liability for contingent vacation pay is to be determined under the rules provided in section 463(b)(2).

    (4) The opening balance in the taxpayer's suspense account. This balance equals the amount determined under paragraph (e)(3) of this section less the portion allowed as deductions under section 162 for prior taxable years for vacation pay earned but not paid at the close of the last taxable year ending on or before July 18, 1984.

    (f) Vested accrued vacation pay. For purposes of paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section, “vested accrued vacation pay” means any amount allowable as a deduction under section 162(a) for a taxable year with respect to vacation pay of employees of the taxpayer (determined without regard to section 463). For purposes of this section, vacation pay will be considered vested accrued vacation pay even though there is a limit or ceiling on the amount of vacation pay an employee is entitled to as of the close of any plan year.

    For example, if under a vacation pay plan an employee may accumulate no more than 40 days of vacation leave by the end of any plan year and any unused days in excess of 40 days are forfeited, the taxpayer is considered to have vested accrued vacation pay (even though the plan is not fully vested) and may make an election under the transitional rule.