§ 1.6012-2T - Corporations required to make returns of income (temporary).  

Latest version.
  • (a) through (b) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.6012-2(a) through (b).

    (c) Insurance companies—(1) Domestic life insurance companies—(i) In general. A life insurance company subject to tax under section 801 shall make a return on Form 1120L. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, such company shall file with its return—

    (A) A copy of its annual statement which shows the reserves used by the company in computing the taxable income reported on its return; and

    (B) A copy of Schedule A (real estate) and of Schedule D (bonds and stocks), or any successor thereto, of such annual statement.

    (ii) Mutual savings banks. Mutual savings banks conducting life insurance business and meeting the requirements of section 594 are subject to partial tax computed on Form 1120 and partial tax computed on Form 1120L. The Form 1120L is attached as a schedule to Form 1120, together with the annual statement and schedules required to be filed with Form 1120L.

    (2) Domestic nonlife insurance companies. Every domestic insurance company other than a life insurance company shall make a return on Form 1120PC. This includes organizations described in section 501(m)(1) that provide commercial-type insurance and organizations described in section 833. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, such company shall file with its return a copy of its annual statement (or a pro forma annual statement), including the underwriting and investment exhibit for the year covered by such return.

    (3) Foreign insurance companies. The provisions of paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section concerning the returns and statements of insurance companies subject to tax under section 801 or section 831 also apply to foreign insurance companies subject to tax under those sections, except that the copy of the annual statement required to be submitted with the return shall, in the case of a foreign insurance company that is not required to file an annual statement, be a copy of the pro forma annual statement relating to the United States business of such company.

    (4) Exception for insurance companies filing their Federal income tax returns electronically. If an insurance company described in paragraph (c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(3) of this section files its Federal income tax return electronically, it should not include on or with such return its annual statement (or pro forma annual statement), or any portion thereof. Such statement must be available at all times for inspection by authorized Internal Revenue Service officers or employees and retained for so long as such statements may be material in the administration of any internal revenue law. See § 1.6001-1(e).

    (5) Definition. For purposes of this section, the term annual statement means the annual statement, the form of which is approved by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), which is filed by an insurance company for the year with the insurance departments of States, Territories, and the District of Columbia. The term annual statement also includes a pro forma annual statement if the insurance company is not required to file the NAIC annual statement.

    (d) through (j) [Reserved]. For further guidance, see § 1.6012-2(d) through (j).

    (k) Effective date—(1) Applicability date. This section applies to any original Federal income tax return (including any amended return filed on or before the due date (including extensions) of such original return) timely filed on or after May 30, 2006.

    (2) Expiration date. The applicability of this section will expire on May 26, 2009.