§ 1.6041-1T - Return of information as to payments of $600 or more (temporary).  

Latest version.
  • § 1.6041-1T Return of information as to payments of $600 or more (temporary).

    (a) through (d) (5) [Reserved] For further guidance, see § 1.6041-1(a) through (d)(5).

    (i) An amount paid with respect to a notional principal contract is not required to be reported if the amount is paid by a non-U.S. payor or a non-U.S. middleman and is paid and received outside the United States (as defined in § 1.6049-4(f)(16)).

    (ii) An amount paid with respect to a notional principal contract is not required to be reported if the amount is paid by a payor that has no actual knowledge that the payee is a U.S. person and is paid and received outside the United States (as defined in § 1.6049-4(f)(16)), and the payor is -

    (d) (5)(ii)(A) through (j)(1) [Reserved] For further guidance, see § 1.6041-1(d)(5)(ii)(A) through (j)(1).

    (2) The provisions of paragraphs (d)(5)(i) and (ii) of this section apply to payments made after June 30, 2014.

    (k) Expiration date. The applicability of this section expires on February 28, 2017.

    [T.D. 9658, 79 FR 12793, Mar. 6, 2014]