§ 1.936-11T - New lines of business prohibited (temporary).  

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  • (a) In general. A possessions corporation that is an existing credit claimant, as defined in section 936(j)(9)(A), and that adds a substantial new line of business during a taxable year, or that has a new line of business that becomes substantial during the taxable year, will cease to be an existing credit claimant as of the close of the taxable year ending before either such taxable year. The term new line of business is defined in paragraph (b) of this section. The term substantial is defined in paragraph (c) of this section. Paragraph (d) of this section provides examples illustrating the rules of paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section. Paragraph (e) of this section instructs a possessions corporation not to claim the Puerto Rico and possession tax credit on its return if it has added a substantial new line of business during the taxable year. Paragraph (f) of this section is the effective date provision.

    (b) New line of business—(1) In general. A new line of business is any business activity of the possessions corporation that is not closely related to a pre-existing business of the possessions corporation. The term closely related is defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. The term pre-existing business is defined in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.

    (2) Closely related. All the facts and circumstances must be considered, including paragraphs (b)(2)(i)(A) through (H) of this section, to determine whether a new activity is closely related to a pre-existing business of the possessions corporation, and thus is not a new line of business.

    (i) Factors. The following factors will help to establish that a new activity is closely related to a pre-existing business activity of the possessions corporation—

    (A) The activity provides products or services very similar to the products or services provided by the pre-existing business;

    (B) The activity markets products and services to the same class of customers as that of the pre-existing business;

    (C) The activity is of a type that is normally conducted in the same business location as the pre-existing business;

    (D) The activity requires the use of similar operating assets as those used in the pre-existing business;

    (E) The activity's economic success depends on the success of the pre-existing business;

    (F) The activity is of a type that would normally be treated as a unit with the pre-existing business in the business’ accounting records;

    (G) If the activity and the pre-existing business are regulated or licensed, they are regulated or licensed by the same or similar governmental authority; and

    (H) The United States Bureau of the Census assigns the activity the same six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code or four-digit Industry Number Standard Identification code (SIC code) as the pre-existing business. In the case of a pre-existing business or activity that is listed under a NAICS code of 99999, Unclassified Establishments, or under a miscellaneous category (most NAICS codes that end in a “9” are miscellaneous categories), the similarity in NAICS codes is ignored as a factor in determining whether the activity is closely related to the pre-existing business. The dissimilarity of the NAICS code is considered in determining whether the activity is closely related to the pre-existing business. For purposes of this section, NAICS codes must be set forth in the North American Industry Classification System (United States) Manual that is in effect for the taxable year during which a new line of business is added. The official NAICS-United States Manual is available in both printed and electronic versions from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) at 1-800-553-6847 or at the NTIS NAICS web site at <http://www.ntis.gov/naics>. In the case of a pre-existing business or activity that is listed under a SIC code of 9999, Nonclassifiable Establishments, or under a miscellaneous category (most SIC codes ending in “9” are miscellaneous categories), the similarity in SIC codes is ignored as a factor in determining whether the activity is closely related to the pre-existing business. The dissimilarity of the SIC codes is considered in determining whether the activity is closely related to the pre-existing business. The SIC codes are set forth in the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual, that is in effect for the taxable year during which a new line of business is added. A printed version of the official SIC Manual is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) at 1-800-553-6847.

    (ii) Safe harbors. An activity is closely related to a pre-existing business and thus is not a new line of business in the following three cases—

    (A) If the activity is within the same six-digit NAICS code (or four-digit SIC code);

    (B) If both the pre-existing business activity and the new activity are within the same five-digit NAICS code (or three-digit SIC code) and the facts relating to the new activity satisfy at least three of the factors listed in paragraph (b)(2)(i) (A) through (G) of this section; or

    (C) If the pre-existing business is making a component product or end-product form, as defined in § 1.936-5(a)(1), Q & A1, and the new business activity is making an integrated product, or an end-product form with fewer excluded components, that is not within the same six-digit NAICS code (or four-digit SIC code) as the pre-existing business solely because the component product and the integrated product (or two end-product forms) have different end-uses.

    (3) Pre-existing business—(i) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) (ii) and (4) of this section, a business activity is a pre-existing business of the existing credit claimant if—

    (A) The existing credit claimant was actively engaged in the activity within the possession on or before October 13, 1995; and

    (B) The existing credit claimant has elected the benefits of the Puerto Rico and possession tax credit pursuant to an election which is in effect for the taxable year that includes October 13, 1995.

    (ii) Acquisition of all of the assets or stock of an existing credit claimant. (A) If all the assets of a pre-existing business of an existing credit claimant are acquired by an affiliated or non-affiliated existing credit claimant which carries on the business activity of the predecessor existing credit claimant, the acquired business activity will be treated as a pre-existing business of the acquiring corporation. A non-affiliated acquiring corporation will not be bound by any section 936(h) election made by the predecessor existing credit claimant with respect to that business activity.

    (B) Where all of the assets of a pre-existing business of an existing credit claimant are acquired by a corporation that is not an existing credit claimant, if the acquiring corporation makes a section 936(e) election for the taxable year in which the assets are acquired—

    (1) The acquiring corporation will be treated as an existing credit claimant for the year of acquisition;

    (2) The activity will be considered a pre-existing business of the acquiring corporation;

    (3) The acquiring corporation will be deemed to satisfy the rules of section 936(a)(2) for the year of acquisition; and

    (4) After making an election under section 936(e), a non-affiliated acquiring corporation will not be bound by elections under sections 936(a)(4) and (h) made by the predecessor existing credit claimant.

    (C) A mere change in the stock ownership of a possessions corporation will not affect its status as an existing credit claimant for purposes of this section.

    (4) Timing rule. The tests for a new line of business in this paragraph (whether the new activity is closely related to a pre-existing business) are applied only at the end of the taxable year during which the new activity is added.

    (c) Substantial—(1) In general. For purposes of section 936 and section 30A, a new line of business is considered to be substantial as of the earlier of—

    (i) The taxable year in which the possessions corporation derives more that 15 percent of its gross income from that new line of business (gross income test); or

    (ii) The taxable year in which the possessions corporation directly uses in that new line of business more that 15 percent of its assets (assets test).

    (2) Gross income test. The denominator in the gross income test is the amount that is the gross income of the possessions corporation for the current taxable year, while the numerator is the amount that is the gross income of the new line of business for the current taxable year. The gross income test is applied at the end of each taxable year. For purposes of this test, if a new line of business is added late in the taxable year, the income is not to be annualized in that year. In the case of a new line of business acquired through the purchase of assets, the gross income of such new line of business for the taxable year of the acquiring corporation that includes the date of acquisition is determined from the date of acquisition through the end of the taxable year. In the case of a consolidated group election made pursuant to section 936(i)(5), the test applies on a company by company basis and not on a consolidated basis.

    (3) Assets test—(i) Computation. The denominator is the adjusted tax basis of the total assets of the possessions corporation for the current taxable year. The numerator is the adjusted tax basis of the total assets utilized in the new line of business for the current taxable year. The assets test is computed annually using all assets including cash and receivables.

    (ii) Exception. A new line of business of a possessions corporation will not be treated as substantial as a result of meeting the assets test if an event that is not reasonably anticipated causes assets used in the new line of business of the possessions corporation to exceed 15 percent of the adjusted tax basis of the possession corporation's total assets. For example, an event that is not reasonably anticipated would include the destruction of plant and equipment of the pre-existing business due to a hurricane or other natural disaster, or other similar circumstances beyond the control of the possessions corporation. The expiration of a patent is not such an event and will not trigger this exception.

    (d) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules described in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section. In the following examples, X Corp. is an existing credit claimant unless otherwise indicated:

    (e) Loss of status as existing credit claimant. An existing credit claimant that adds a substantial new line of business in a taxable year, or that has a new line of business that becomes substantial in a taxable year, loses its status as an existing credit claimant as of the close of the taxable year ending before either such taxable year. In such case, the possession corporation must not claim the Puerto Rico and possession tax credit on its return for the taxable year in which the substantial new line of business is added or a new line of business becomes substantial.

    (f) Effective date—(1) General rule. This section applies to taxable years of a possessions corporation beginning after August 19, 1998.

    (2) Election for retroactive application. Taxpayers may elect to apply retroactively all the provisions of this section for any open taxable year beginning after December 31, 1995. Such election will be effective for the year of the election and all subsequent taxable years. This section will not apply to activities of pre-existing businesses for taxable years beginning before January 1, 1996.