Part 49 - Facilities and Services Excise Taxes  

Subpart A - Introduction
§ 49.0-1 - Introduction.
§ 49.0-2 - General definitions and use of terms.
§ 49.0-3T - Introduction; cosmetic services (temporary).
Subpart B - XXX
Subpart C - Communications
§ 49.4251-1 - Imposition of tax.
§ 49.4251-2 - Rate and application of tax.
§ 49.4251-3 - [Reserved]
§ 49.4251-4 - Prepaid telephone cards.
§ 49.4252-1 - [Reserved]
§ 49.4252-2 - Toll telephone service.
§ 49.4252-3 - [Reserved]
§ 49.4252-4 - Provisions common to telephone and telegraph services.
§ 49.4252-5 - Teletypewriter exchange service.
§ 49.4252-6 - Wire mileage service.
§ 49.4252-7 - Wire and equipment service.
§ 49.4253-1 - Exemption for certain coin-operated service.
§ 49.4253-2 - Exemption for news services.
§ 49.4253-3 - Exemption for certain organizations.
§ 49.4253-4 - Exemption for servicemen in combat zone.
§ 49.4253-5 - Exemption for items otherwise taxed.
§ 49.4253-6 - Exemption for common carriers and communications companies.
§ 49.4253-7 - Exemption for installation charges.
§ 49.4253-8 - Exemption for terminal facilities in case of wire mileage service.
§ 49.4253-9 - Exemption for certain interior communication systems.
§ 49.4253-10 - Exemption for certain private communications services.
§ 49.4253-11 - Use and retention of exemption certificates.
§ 49.4253-12 - Cross reference.
§ 49.4254-1 - Computation of tax.
§ 49.4254-2 - Payment for toll telephone service or telegraph service in coin-operated telephones.
§§ 49.4253-8--49.4253-9 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Transportation of Persons
§ 49.4262(a)-1 - Taxable transportation.
§ 49.4264(a)-1 - Duty to collect the tax; payments made outside the United States.
§ 49.4262(b)-1 - Exclusion of certain travel.
§ 49.4264(b)-1 - Duty to collect the tax in the case of certain refunds.
§ 49.4262(c)-1 - Definitions.
§ 49.4264(c)-1 - Special rule for the payment of tax.
§ 49.4264(d)-1 - Cross reference.
§ 49.4264(e)-1 - Round trips.
§ 49.4264(f)-1 - Transportation outside the northern portion of the Western Hemisphere.
§ 49.4261-1 - Imposition of tax; in general.
§ 49.4261-2 - Application of tax.
§ 49.4261-3 - Payments made within the United States.
§ 49.4261-4 - Payments made within the United States; evidence of nontaxability.
§§ 49.4263-1--49.4263-4 - [Reserved]
§ 49.4261-5 - Payments made outside the United States.
§ 49.4261-6 - Payments made outside the United States; evidence of nontaxability.
§ 49.4261-7 - Examples of payments subject to tax.
§ 49.4261-8 - Examples of payments not subject to tax.
§ 49.4261-9 - Mileage awards.
§ 49.4261-10 - Aircraft management services.
§ 49.4262-1 - Taxable transportation.
§ 49.4262-2 - Exclusion of certain travel.
§ 49.4262-3 - Definitions.
§ 49.4263-1 - Duty to collect the tax; payments made outside the United States.
§ 49.4263-2 - Duty to collect the tax in the case of certain refunds.
§ 49.4263-3 - Special rule for the payment of tax.
§ 49.4263-4 - Cross reference.
§ 49.4263-5 - Round trips.
§ 49.4263-6 - Transportation outside the northern portion of the Western Hemisphere.
Subpart E - Transportation of Property
§ 49.4271-1 - Tax on transportation of property by air.
§ 49.4281-1 - Small aircraft on nonestablished lines.
§ 49.4271-2 - Aircraft management services.
§ 49.4282-1 - [Reserved]
Subpart F - Collection of Tax By Persons Receiving Payment
§ 49.4291-1 - Persons receiving payment must collect tax.
§ 49.4291-1T - Persons receiving payment must collect tax (temporary).
Subpart G - Indoor Tanning Services
§ 49.5000B-1 - Indoor tanning services.
§ 49.5000B-1T - Indoor tanning services (temporary).