§ 19.1006 - Other materials.  

Latest version.
  • If a proprietor desires to use a material not authorized under § 19.1005 to render spirits unfit for beverage use, the proprietor shall submit an application to the appropriate TTB officer. The application must state the name of the material and the quantity of material that the proprietor proposes to add to each 100 gallons of spirits. The proprietor may be required to submit an 8 ounce sample of the material with the application. Material that impairs the quality of the spirits for fuel use will not be approved. The proprietor shall not use any proposed material prior to its approval. Materials approved for use under this section will appear in the next subsequent issuance of the list of materials authorized for rendering spirits unfit for beverage use provided for under § 19.1005. The proprietor shall retain as part of the records available for inspection by appropriate TTB officers, any application approved by the appropriate TTB officer under the provisions of this section.