§ 19.158 - Data for application for operating permits.  

Latest version.
  • Each application on Form 5110.25 shall be executed under the penalties of perjury, and all written statements, affidavits, and other documents submitted in support of the application shall be deemed to be a part thereof. Applications on Form 5110.25 shall include the following information:

    (a) Name and principal business address of the applicant.

    (b) Plant address, if different from the business address.

    (c) Description of the operation to be conducted for which an operating permit must be obtained.

    (d) Statement of type of business organization and of the persons interested in the business, supported by the items of information listed in § 19.167.

    (e) Trade names (see § 19.165).

    (f) On specific request of the appropriate TTB officer, furnish a statement as to whether the applicant or any of the persons whose names and addresses are required to be furnished under the provisions of § 19.167(a)(2) and (c) has ever: (1) Been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor under Federal or State law; (2) Been arrested or charged with any violation of State or Federal law (convictions or arrests or charges for traffic violations need not be reported as to paragraphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this section, if these violations are not felonies); or (3) Applied for, held, or been connected with a permit, issued under Federal law to manufacture, distribute, sell or use spirits or products containing spirits, whether or not for beverage use, or held any financial interest in any business covered by any such permit, and, if so, give the number and classification of the permit, the period of operation, and state in detail whether the permit was ever suspended, revoked, annulled, or otherwise terminated.

    Where any of the information required by paragraph (d) or (f)(3) of this section is on file with the appropriate TTB officer, the applicant may, by incorporation or by reference, state that the information is made a part of the application for an operating permit. The applicant shall, when required by the appropriate TTB officer, furnish as a part of his application for an operating permit additional information as may be necessary for the appropriate TTB officer to determine whether the applicant is entitled to the permit.