§ 19.41 - Claims on spirits, denatured spirits, articles, or wines lost or destroyed in bond.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Claims for remission. All claims for remission of tax required by this part, relating to the destruction or loss of spirits, denatured spirits, articles, or wines in bond, shall be filed with the appropriate TTB officer and shall set forth the following:

    (1) Identification (including serial numbers if any) and location of the container or containers from which the spirits, denatured spirits, articles, or wines were lost, or removed for destruction;

    (2) Quantity of spirits, denatured spirits, articles, or wines lost or destroyed from each container, and the total quantity of spirits or wines covered by the claim;

    (3) Total amount of tax for which the claim is filed;

    (4) Name, number, and address of the plant from which withdrawn without payment of tax or removed for transfer in bond (if claim involves spirits so withdrawn or removed or if claim involves wines transferred in bond) and date and purpose of such withdrawal or removal, except that in the case of imported spirits lost or destroyed while being transferred from customs custody to TTB bond as provided in § 19.481, the name of the customs warehouse, if any, and port of entry will be given instead of the plant name, number, and address;

    (5) Date of the loss or destruction (or, if not known, date of discovery), the cause or nature thereof, and all the facts relative thereto;

    (6) Name of the carrier, where a loss in transit is involved;

    (7) The name and address of the consignee, in the case of spirits withdrawn without payment of tax which are lost before being used for research, development or testing;

    (8) If lost by theft, facts establishing that the loss did not occur as the result of any negligence, connivance, collusion or fraud on the part of the proprietor of the plant, owner, consignor, consignee, bailee, or carrier, or the employees or agents of any of them;

    (9) In the case of a loss by theft, whether the claimant is indemnified or recompensed for the spirits or wines lost and if so, the amount and nature of indemnity or recompense and the actual value of the spirits or wines, less the tax.

    (b) Claims for abatement, credit or refund. Claims for abatement of an assessment, or for credit or refund of tax which has been paid or determined, for spirits, denatured spirits, articles, or wines lost or destroyed in bond shall be filed with the appropriate TTB officer. The claims shall set forth the information required under paragraph (a) of this section and, in addition, shall set forth—

    (1) The date of assessment or payment (or of tax determination, if the tax has not been assessed or paid) of the tax for which abatement, credit or refund is claimed, and

    (2) The name, plant number, and the address of the plant where the tax was determined, paid, or assessed (or name, address and capacity of any other person who paid or was assessed the tax, if the tax was not paid by or assessed against a proprietor).

    (c) Supporting document. (1) Claims under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall be supported (whenever possible) by affidavits of persons having personal knowledge of the loss or destruction. For claims on spirits, denatured spirits, articles, or wines lost while being transferred by carrier, the claim shall be supported by a copy of the bill of lading.

    (2) For claims pertaining to losses of spirits withdrawn without payment of tax and lost prior to being used for research, development or testing, the claim shall be supported by a copy of the proprietor's sample record prescribed in subpart W of this part.