§ 19.537 - Withdrawal of spirits free of tax.  

Latest version.
  • Spirits withdrawn free of tax under § 19.536 (a), (b), or (c) shall be withdrawn in approved containers and shipped to the consignee designated in the permit. Unless the spirits are in cases or are to be withdrawn on the production or filling gauge, the proprietor shall gauge each container. If the spirits are in packages which are to be gauged, the proprietor shall prepare a package gauge record according to § 19.769, and attach it to the record of shipment. For each shipment the proprietor shall prepare a record of shipment (shipping invoice, bill of lading, or another document intended for the same purpose) and forward the original to the consignee, in accordance with § 19.779. Bulk conveyances used to transport spirits withdrawn free of tax under this section shall be secured in accordance with § 19.96.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0334)