§ 19.780 - Record of distilled spirits shipped to manufacturers of nonbeverage products.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. Where distilled spirits are shipped to a manufacturer of nonbeverage products, the proprietor shall prepare a record of shipment, forward the original to the consignee, and retain a copy.

    (b) Form of record. The record of tax determination prescribed by § 19.761, or any other document issued by the proprietor and containing the necessary information, may be used as the record of shipment.

    (c) Required information. In addition to any other information on the document, the document used as the record of shipment must contain the following information:

    (1) Name, address and registry number of the proprietor;

    (2) Date of shipment;

    (3) Name and address of the consignee;

    (4) Kind, proof, and quantity of distilled spirits in each container;

    (5) Number of containers of each size;

    (6) Package identification numbers or serial numbers of containers;

    (7) Serial number of the applicable record of tax determination; and

    (8) For distilled spirits containing eligible wine or eligible flavors, the effective tax rate.