§ 19.907 - Meaning of terms.

Latest version.
  • When used in this subpart, and in forms prescribed under this subpart, terms shall have the meaning given in this section. Words in the plural form include the singular and vice versa, and words indicating the masculine gender include the feminine. The terms “includes” and “including” do not exclude things not enumerated which are in the same general class.

    Alcohol fuel plant or plant. An establishment qualified under this subpart solely for producing, processing and storing, and using or distributing distilled spirits to be used exclusively for fuel use.

    Alcohol fuel producer's permit. The document issued pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 5181 authorizing the person named therein to engage in business as an alcohol fuel plant.

    Bonded premises. The premises of an alcohol fuel plant where distilled spirits are produced, processed and stored, and used or distributed. Premises of small alcohol fuel plants, which are exempt from bonding under § 19.912(b), shall be treated as bonded premises for purposes of this subpart.

    CFR. The Code of Federal Regulations.

    Fuel alcohol. Distilled spirits which have been rendered unfit for beverage use at an alcohol fuel plant as provided in this subpart.

    Gallon or wine gallon. The liquid measure equivalent to the volume of 231 cubic inches.

    Person. An individual, trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation.

    Proof. The ethyl alcohol content of a liquid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit, stated as twice the percent of ethyl alcohol by volume.

    Proof gallon. A gallon of liquid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit which contains 50 percent by volume of ethyl alcohol having a specific gravity of 0.7939 at 60 degrees Fahrenheit referred to water at 60 degrees Fahrenheit as unity, or the alcoholic equivalent thereof.

    Proprietor. The person qualified under this subpart to operate the alcohol fuel plant.

    Render unfit for beverage use. The addition to distilled spirits of materials which will not impair the quality of the spirits for fuel use as prescribed and authorized by the provisions of this subpart.

    Secretary. The Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate.

    Spirits or distilled spirits. That substance known as ethyl alcohol, ethanol, or spirits of wine in any form (including all dilutions and mixtures thereof from whatever source or by whatever process produced), but not fuel alcohol unless specifically stated. For purposes of this subpart, the term does not include spirits produced from petroleum, natural gas, or coal.

    This chapter. Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I [27 CFR Chapter I].

    Transfer in bond. The transfer of spirits between alcohol fuel plants or the transfer of spirits to or from a distilled spirits plant qualified under 26 U.S.C. 5171 and an alcohol fuel plant.

    Type of plant. The following three types of alcohol fuel plants are recognized in this subpart:

    (a) Small plant. An alcohol fuel plant which produces (including receipts) not more than 10,000 proof gallons of spirits per calendar year.

    (b) Medium plant. An alcohol fuel plant which produces (including receipts) more than 10,000 and not more than 500,000 proof gallons of spirits per calendar year.

    (c) Large plant. An alcohol fuel plant which produces (including receipts) more than 500,000 proof gallons of spirits per calendar year.

    U.S.C. The United States Code.