§ 19.956 - Amount of bond.  

Latest version.
  • The penal sum of the bond is based on the total quantity of distilled spirits to be produced (including receipts) during a calendar year. If the level of production and/or receipts at the plant is to be increased, and the bond is not in the maximum penal sum, a new or strengthening bond shall be obtained.

    (a) Medium plants. A medium plant which will produce (including receipts) between 10,000 and 20,000 proof gallons of spirits per year requires a bond in the amount of $2,000. For each additional 10,000 proof gallons (or fraction thereof), the bond amount is increased $1,000. The maximum bond for a medium plant is $50,000.

    (b) Large plants. The minimum bond for a large plant is $52,000 (more than 500,000, but not more than 510,000 proof gallons annual production (including receipts)). For each additional 10,000 (or fraction) proof gallons, the amount of the bond is increased $2,000. The maximum bond for a large plant is $200,000 (more than 1,240,000 proof gallons).