§ 19.998 - Transfer in bond of spirits.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Transfer between alcohol fuel plants. A proprietor may remove spirits from the bonded premises of an alcohol fuel plant (including the premises of a small plant) for transfer in bond to another alcohol fuel plant. Bulk conveyances in which spirits are transferred shall be secured with locks, seals or other devices as prescribed by § 19.96. The spirits need not be rendered unfit for beverage use prior to transfer. Spirits so transferred may not be withdrawn, used, sold, or otherwise disposed of for other than fuel use.

    (b) Transfer to or from other distilled spirits plants. Spirits (not including spirits produced from petroleum, natural gas, or coal) may be transferred in bond from distilled spirits plants qualified under subpart G of this part to alcohol fuel plants. Alcohol fuel plants may transfer spirits in bond to distilled spirits plants qualified under subpart G of this part. Bulk conveyances in which spirits are transferred shall be secured with locks, seals, or other devices as prescribed by § 19.96. The spirits need not be rendered unfit for beverage use prior to transfer. Spirits so transferred may not be withdrawn, used, sold, or otherwise disposed of for other than fuel use.

    (c) Transfer procedures. The procedures in §§ 19.999 through 19.1001 pertain only to the transfer of spirits between alcohol fuel plants. The procedures in §§ 19.506 through 19.509 and 19.770 pertain to the transfer of spirits from an alcohol fuel plant to a distilled spirits plant qualified under 26 U.S.C. 5171. The alcohol fuel plant transferring in bond spirits filled into portable containers to the bonded premises of a distilled spirits plant qualified under 26 U.S.C. 5171 shall mark each container as required by § 19.1008(b). The procedures in §§ 19.508, 19.510 and 19.770 pertain to the transfer of spirits from a distilled spirits plant to an alcohol fuel plant.