§ 194.169 - Change of control, persons having right of succession.  

Latest version.
  • Certain persons other than the special taxpayer may, without paying additional special tax, secure the right to carry on the same business at the same address for the remainder of the taxable period for which the special tax was paid. Such persons are:

    (a) The surviving spouse or child, or executor, administrator, or other legal representative of a deceased dealer;

    (b) A husband or wife succeeding to the business of his or her living spouse;

    (c) A receiver or trustee in bankruptcy, or an assignee for benefit of creditors; and

    (d) The partner or partners remaining after death or withdrawal of a member of a partnership.

    In order to secure such right, the person or persons continuing the business shall file with ATF, within 30 days from the date on which the successor begins to carry on the business, an amended special tax return on Form 5630.5, showing the basis of the succession, and shall surrender the unexpired special tax stamp or stamps for endorsement of the change in control: Provided, That, if the original return, Form 5630.5, was filed under the provisions of § 194.106(b), the person succeeding to the business may deliver the amended return and stamp to any ATF office, or to any ATF officer inspecting the business, in lieu of mailing them to ATF. If the applicant has the right of succession and the return and stamp are submitted on time, the regional director (compliance) or other ATF officer receiving them will enter the proper endorsement on the stamp and return it to the successor.