Subpart O - Prescribed Records and Reports, and Posting of Signs  

Retail Dealer's Records
§ 194.234 - Requirements for retail dealers.
Files of Records and Reports
§ 194.235 - Filing.
§ 194.236 - Place of filing.
Wholesale Dealers' Records and Reports
§ 194.221 - General requirements as to distilled spirits.
§ 194.222 - Requirements as to wines and beer.
§ 194.223 - Records to be kept by States, political subdivisions thereof, or the District of Columbia.
§ 194.224 - Records to be kept by proprietors of distilled spirits plants.
§ 194.225 - Records of receipt.
§ 194.226 - Records of disposition.
§ 194.227 - Canceled or corrected records.
§ 194.228 - Previously prescribed or approved records of receipt and disposition.
§ 194.229 - Variations in format, or preparation, of records.
§ 194.230 - Monthly summary report.
§ 194.231 - Conversion between metric and U.S. units.
§ 194.232 - Discontinuance of business.
§ 194.233 - Requirements when a wholesale dealer in liquors maintains a retail department.
Period of Retention
§ 194.237 - Retention of records and files.
§ 194.238 - Photographic copies of records.
§§ 194.239--194.241 - [Reserved]
Wholesale Dealers’ Records and Reports