§ 252.195a - Claims on spirits tax determined before January 1, 1980.  

Latest version.
  • The bottler or packager of the spirits shall compute the drawback rate, unless the regional director (compliance) established a standard drawback rate before January 1, 1980. The bottler or packager shall complete parts II and III on both copies of ATF Form 5110.30. If a standard drawback rate was established, the date of approval of the formula and the number shall be shown in any available space in part II of ATF Form 5110.30. The bottler or packager shall file one copy as the claim for drawback of tax with the regional director (compliance) of the region in which the claimant's premises are located, and retain one copy on file. Each claim on ATF Form 5110.30 shall be supported by applicable records and supporting documents are required by the instructions on the form.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0250 and 1512-0199)