§ 26.302 - Gauge and certification.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Gauge. If Virgin Islands spirits to be transferred from customs custody to internal revenue bond as provided in this subpart are not gauged by an insular gauger at the time of their withdrawal from an insular bonded warehouse, as provided in § 26.204 of this chapter, the insular consignor shall effect a gauge of each bulk container and shall prepare a record of such gauge, in duplicate, and attach both copies to the certificate required by § 26.205 of this chapter. If the gauge is made by the insular gauger his record of gauge shall be prepared in duplicate and both copies shall be attached to the certificate.

    (b) Certification. The certification prescribed by § 26.205 of this chapter shall be prepared in duplicate if the Virgin Islands spirits are to be transferred from customs custody to internal revenue bond. Both copies of the certificate, with the applicable record of gauge attached, shall be filed with the district director of customs at the port of entry. The original of the certificate and related record of gauge shall be attached by the customs officer to the original of the transfer record received as provided in § 26.301 from the importer.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0250)