§ 270.371 - Liability for special tax.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes. Every manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes shall pay a special (occupational) tax at a rate specified by § 270.372 of this part. The tax shall be paid on or before July 1. On commencing business, the tax shall be computed from the first day of the month in which liability is incurred, through the following June 30. Thereafter, the tax shall be computed for the entire year (July 1 through June 30).

    (b) Each place of business taxable. A manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes incurs special tax liability at each place of business in which an occupation subject to special tax is conducted. A place of business means the entire office, plant or area of the business in any one location under the same proprietorship. Passageways, streets, highways, rail crossings, waterways, or partitions dividing the premises are not sufficient separation to require additional special tax, if the divisions of the premises are otherwise contiguous.