§ 270.474 - Remission.  

Latest version.
  • Remission of the tax liability on cigarette papers and tubes may be extended to the manufacturer liable for the tax where cigarette papers and tubes in bond are lost (other than by theft) or destroyed, by fire, casualty, or act of God, while in the possession or ownership of such manufacturer. Where cigarette papers and tubes are so lost or destroyed the manufacturer shall report promptly such fact, and the circumstances, to the regional director (compliance) for the region in which the factory is located. If the manufacturer wishes to be relieved of the tax liability, a claim on ATF Form 2635 (5620.8), in duplicate, shall also be prepared, setting forth the nature, date, place, and extent of the loss or destruction. The original and one copy of the claim, accompanied by such evidence as is necessary to establish to the satisfaction of the regional director (compliance) that the claim is valid, shall be filed with the regional director (compliance) for the region in which the factory is located. Upon action on the claim by the regional director (compliance), the copy of ATF Form 2635 (5620.8) will be returned to the manufacturer as notice of such action, which copy shall be retained by the manufacturer.

    Lost or Destroyed