§ 275.81 - Taxpayment.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. The provisions of this section apply to tobacco products, cigarette papers, and cigarette tubes upon which internal revenue tax is payable, and which are imported into the United States from a foreign country or are brought into the United States from Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States. For provisions relating to the importation of previously exported tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, see section 275.82.

    (b) Method of payment. Except in the case of articles imported or brought into the United States under §§ 275.85 and 275.85a, the internal revenue tax must be determined and paid to the Port Director of Customs before the tobacco products, cigarette papers, or cigarette tubes are removed from customs custody. The tax must be paid on the basis of a return on the customs form or by authorized electronic transmission by which the tobacco products, cigarette papers, or cigarette tubes are duty and tax paid to Customs.

    (c) Required information. When tobacco products, cigarette papers, or cigarette tubes enter the United States for consumption, or when they are removed for consumption, the importer must include on the customs form or authorized electronic transmission the following internal revenue tax information.

    (1) For cigarette papers: For cigarette papers imported on or after January 1, 2000, the importer will show the total number of cigarette papers, the rate of tax, and the amount of tax due. For cigarette papers imported prior to January 1, 2000, the importer will show the number of books or sets, the number of papers in each book or set, the rate of tax, and the amount of tax due.

    (2) For cigarette tubes: The importer will show the number of tubes, the rate of tax, and the tax due.

    (3) For cigarettes: The importer will show whether the cigarettes are small (class A) or large (class B), the number of cigarettes, the rate of tax, and the tax due.

    (4) For cigars. The importer will show:

    (i) The number imported under each HTS item number;

    (ii) For large cigars with a sale price of not more than $235.294 per thousand, the number and total sale price of such cigars;

    (iii) For large cigars with a sale price of more than $235.294 per thousand, the number of cigars;

    (iv) The applicable tax rate, as specified by § 275.31; and

    (v) The tax due.

    (5) For smokeless tobacco: The importer will show whether the product is chewing tobacco or snuff, the number of pounds and ounces, the rate of tax and the tax due.

    (6) For pipe tobacco: The importer will show the designation “pipe tobacco” or “Tax Class L,” the number of pounds and ounces, the rate of tax and the tax due.

    (7) For roll-your-own tobacco: The importer will show the designation “roll-your-own” or “Tax Class J”, the number of pounds and ounces, the rate of tax and the amount of tax due.

    (d) Exceptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to:

    (1) Tobacco products, cigarette papers, or cigarette tubes released from customs custody and transferred in bond to a U.S. manufacturer of tobacco products or cigarette papers and tubes (see §§ 275.85, 275.85a, or 275.135);

    (2) Puerto Rican products on which the tax is prepaid or deferred (see subpart G); and

    (3) Tax payments of cigars from class 6, customs bonded manufacturing warehouses (see § 275.151).