§ 290.92 - Investigation of applicant.  

Latest version.
  • The regional director (compliance) shall promptly cause such inquiry or investigation to be made, as he deems necessary, to verify the information furnished in connection with an application for permit and to ascertain whether the applicant is, by reason of his business experience, financial standing, and trade connections, likely to maintain operations in compliance with 26 U.S.C. chapter 52, and regulations thereunder; whether such person has disclosed all material information required or made any material false statement in the application for such permit; and whether the premises on which it is proposed to establish the export warehouse are adequate to protect the revenue. If the regional director (compliance) has reason to believe that the applicant is not entitled to a permit, he shall promptly give the applicant notice of the contemplated disapproval of his application and opportunity for hearing thereon in accordance with part 200 of this chapter, which part (including the provisions relating to the recommended decision and to appeals) is made applicable to such proceedings. If, after such notice and opportunity for hearing, the regional director (compliance) finds that the applicant is not entitled to a permit, he shall, by order stating the findings on which his decision is based, deny the permit.