§ 40.203 - Statistical classification of large cigars.

Latest version.
  • Large cigars are divided into eight classes for statistical purposes, according to the wholesale price or sale price, as applicable. The eight classes are as follows:

    (a) Class A. Large cigars with a wholesale price or sale price, as applicable of not more than $33.00 per thousand.

    (b) Class B. Large cigars with a wholesale price or sale price, as applicable of more than $33.00 per thousand but not more than $51.00 per thousand.

    (c) Class C. Large cigars with a wholesale price or sale price as applicable of more than $51.00 per thousand but not more than $66.00 per thousand.

    (d) Class D. Large cigars with a wholesale price or sale price as applicable of more than $66.00 per thousand but not more than $105.00 per thousand.

    (e) Class E. Large cigars with a wholesale price or sale price, as applicable of more than $105.00 per thousand but not more than $120.00 per thousand.

    (f) Class F. Large cigars with a wholesale price or sale price as applicable of more than $120.00 per thousand but not more than $154.00 per thousand.

    (g) Class G. Large cigars with a wholesale price or sale price as applicable of more than $154.00 per thousand but not more than $235.294 per thousand, and

    (h) Class H. Large cigars with a wholesale price or sale price as applicable of more than $235.294 per thousand.