Subpart L - Withdrawal of Cigars From Customs Warehouses  

§ 44.241 - Shipment restricted.
§ 44.242 - Responsibility for tax on cigars.
Notice of Removal of Shipment
§ 44.256 - Preparation.
§ 44.257 - Disposition.
§ 44.258 - To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.
§ 44.259 - To noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.
§ 44.260 - To a Federal department or agency.
§ 44.261 - To contiguous foreign countries.
§ 44.262 - To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
§ 44.263 - To commercial vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
§ 44.264 - To export warehouses.
§ 44.265 - For export by parcel post.
§ 44.264a - To a foreign-trade zone.
Packaging Requirements
§ 44.248 - Packages.
§ 44.249 - Lottery features.
§ 44.250 - Indecent or immoral material.
§ 44.251 - Mark.
§ 44.252 - Label or notice.
§ 44.253 - Tax classification for cigars.
§ 44.254 - Shipping containers.
Return of Shipment
§ 44.266 - Return of cigars from export warehouses.
§ 44.267 - Return of cigars from other sources.
Consignment of Shipment
§ 44.255 - Consignment of cigars.
§ 44.243 - Bond required.
§ 44.244 - Amount of bond.
§ 44.245 - Strengthening bond.
§ 44.246 - Superseding bond.
§ 44.247 - Termination of liability of surety under bond.