Subpart D - Collection of Excise and Special (Occupational) Tax  

§ 70.71 - Assessment authority.
§ 70.72 - Method of assessment.
§ 70.73 - Supplemental assessments.
§ 70.74 - Request for prompt assessment.
§ 70.75 - Jeopardy assessment of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms taxes.
§ 70.76 - Stay of collection of jeopardy assessment; bond to stay collection.
§ 70.77 - Collection of jeopardy assessment; stay of sale of seized property pending court decision.
§ 70.271 - Procedure in the case of transferred assets.
Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 70.301 - Reproduction of returns and other documents.
§ 70.302 - Fees and costs for witnesses.
§ 70.303 - Rules and regulations.
§ 70.304 - Place for filing documents other than returns.
§ 70.305 - Timely mailing treated as timely filing.
§ 70.306 - Time for performance of acts other than payment of tax or filing of any return when the last day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
§ 70.281 - Form of bond and security required.
§ 70.282 - Single bond in lieu of multiple bonds.
Crimes, Other Offenses and Forfeitures
§ 70.331 - Fraudulent returns, statements, or other documents.
§ 70.332 - Unauthorized use or sale of stamps.
§ 70.333 - Offenses by officers and employees of the United States.
§ 70.221 - Period of limitations upon assessment.
§ 70.222 - Time return deemed filed for purposes of determining limitations.
§ 70.223 - Exceptions to general period of limitations on assessment and collection.
§ 70.224 - Collection after assessment.
§ 70.225 - Suspension of running of period of limitation; assets of taxpayer in control or custody of court.
§ 70.226 - Suspension of running of period of limitation; taxpayer outside of United States.
§ 70.227 - Suspension of running of period of limitation; wrongful seizure of property of third party.
§ 70.231 - Protection for certain interests even though notice filed.
§ 70.232 - Protection for commercial transactions financing agreements.
§ 70.233 - Protection for real property construction or improvement financing agreements.
§ 70.234 - Protection for obligatory disbursement agreements.
§ 70.241 - Property exempt from levy.
§ 70.242 - Wages, salary and other income.
§ 70.243 - Exempt amount.
§ 70.244 - Payroll period.
§ 70.245 - Computation of exempt amount and payment of amounts not exempt from levy to the appropriate TTB officer.
§ 70.251 - Periods of limitation on suits by taxpayers.
§ 70.252 - Periods of limitation on suits by the United States.
§ 70.253 - Periods of limitation on suits by persons other than taxpayers.
§ 70.261 - Period of limitation on filing claim.
§ 70.262 - Limitations on allowance of credits and refunds.
§ 70.263 - Special rules applicable in case of extension of time by agreement.
§ 70.264 - Time return deemed filed and tax considered paid.
§ 70.265 - Credits or refunds after period of limitation.
§ 70.266 - Credit against barred liability.
Seizure of Property for Collection of Taxes
§ 70.161 - Levy and distraint.
§ 70.162 - Levy and distraint on salary and wages.
§ 70.163 - Surrender of property subject to levy.
§ 70.164 - Surrender of property subject to levy in the case of life insurance and endowment contracts.
§ 70.165 - Production of books.
§ 70.167 - Authority to release levy and return property.
§ 70.168 - Redemption of property.
§ 70.169 - Expense of levy and sale.
§ 70.170 - Application of proceeds of levy.
Notice and Demand
§ 70.81 - Notice and demand for tax.
§ 70.82 - Payment on notice and demand.
Judicial Proceedings
§ 70.191 - Authorization.
§ 70.192 - Action to enforce lien or to subject property to payment of tax.
§ 70.193 - Disposition of judgments and moneys recovered.
§ 70.202 - Intervention.
§ 70.203 - Discharge of liens; scope and application; judicial proceedings.
§ 70.204 - Discharge of liens; nonjudicial sales.
§ 70.205 - Discharge of liens; special rules.
§ 70.206 - Discharge of liens; redemption by United States.
§ 70.207 - Civil actions by persons other than taxpayers.
§ 70.208 - Review of jeopardy assessment or jeopardy levy procedures; information to taxpayer.
§ 70.209 - Review of jeopardy assessment or levy procedures; administrative review.
§ 70.210 - Review of jeopardy assessment or levy procedures; judicial action.
§ 70.213 - Repayments to officers or employees.
Lien for Taxes
§ 70.141 - Lien for taxes.
§ 70.142 - Scope of definitions.
§ 70.143 - Definitions.
§ 70.144 - Special rules.
§ 70.145 - Purchasers, holders of security interests, mechanic's lienors, and judgment lien creditors.
§ 70.146 - 45-day period for making disbursements.
§ 70.147 - Priority of interest and expenses.
§ 70.148 - Place for filing notice; form.
§ 70.149 - Refiling of notice of tax lien.
§ 70.150 - Release of lien or discharge of property.
§ 70.151 - Administrative appeal of the erroneous filing of notice of Federal tax lien.
Rule of Special Application
§ 70.131 - Conditions to allowance.
Collection—General Provisions
§ 70.321 - Registration of persons paying a special tax.
Collection - General Provisions
§ 70.51 - Collection authority.
§ 70.52 - Signature presumed authentic.
§ 70.90 - Interest on underpayments.
§ 70.91 - Interest on erroneous refund recoverable by suit.
§ 70.92 - Interest on overpayments.
§ 70.93 - Interest rate.
§ 70.94 - Interest compounded daily.
Receipt of Payment
§ 70.61 - Payment by check or money order.
§ 70.62 - Fractional parts of a cent.
§ 70.63 - Computations on returns or other documents.
§ 70.64 - Receipt for taxes.
§ 70.65 - Use of commercial banks.
General Provisions Relating to Stamps, Marks or Labels
§ 70.311 - Authority for establishment, alteration, and distribution of stamps, marks, or labels.
Additions to the Tax, Additional Amounts, and Assessable Penalties
§ 70.95 - Scope.
§ 70.96 - Failure to file tax return or to pay tax.
§ 70.97 - Failure to pay tax.
§ 70.98 - Penalty for underpayment of deposits.
§ 70.100 - Penalty for fraudulently claiming drawback.
§ 70.101 - Bad checks.
§ 70.102 - Coordination with title 11.
§ 70.103 - Failure to pay tax.
§ 70.111 - Rules for application of assessable penalties.
§ 70.112 - Failure to collect and pay over tax, or attempt to evade or defeat tax.
§ 70.113 - Penalty for failure to supply taxpayer identification number.
§ 70.114 - Penalties for aiding and abetting understatement of tax liability.
Limitations on Liens
Disposition of Property
§ 70.181 - Disposition of seized property.
§ 70.182 - Disposition of personal property acquired by the United States.
§ 70.183 - Administration and disposition of real estate acquired by the United States.
§ 70.184 - Disposition of perishable goods.
§ 70.185 - Certificate of sale; deed of real property.
§ 70.186 - Legal effect of certificate of sale of personal property and deed of real property.
§ 70.187 - Records of sale.
§ 70.188 - Expense of levy and sale.
Abatements, Credits and Refunds
§ 70.121 - Amounts treated as overpayments.
§ 70.122 - Authority to make credits or refunds.
§ 70.123 - Claims for credit or refund.
§ 70.124 - Payments in excess of amounts shown on return.
§ 70.125 - Abatements.
§ 70.126 - Date of allowance of refund or credit.
§ 70.127 - Overpayment of installment.