§ 60.3 - Agencies with authorized personnel.

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  • § 60.3 Agencies with authorized personnel.

    The following agencies have law enforcement officers within the categories listed in § 60.2 of this part:

    (a) National Law Enforcement Agencies:

    (1) Department of Agriculture:

    National Forest Service

    Office of the Inspector General

    (2) Department of Defense:

    Defense Investigative Service Criminal Investigation Command, U.S. Army

    Naval Investigative Service, U.S. Navy

    Office of Assistant Inspector General for Investigations, Office of Defense Inspector General

    Office of Special Investigation, U.S. Air Force

    (3) Department of Health and Human Services:

    Center for Disease Control

    Food and Drug Administration

    Office of Investigations, Office of the Inspector General

    (4) Department of the Interior:

    Bureau of Indian Affairs

    Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife

    National Park Service

    (5) Department of Justice:

    Drug Enforcement Administration

    Federal Bureau of Investigation

    Immigration and Naturalization Service

    U.S. Marshals Service

    (6) Department of Transportation:

    U.S. Coast Guard

    Office of Inspector General, Department of Transportation

    (7) Department of the Treasury:

    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

    Executive Protective Service

    Internal Revenue Service

    Criminal Investigation Division

    Internal Security Division, Inspection Service

    U.S. Customs Service

    U.S. Secret Service

    (8) U.S. Postal Service:

    Inspection Service

    Office of Inspector General

    (9) Department of Commerce: Office of Export Enforcement

    (10) Small Business Administration: Investigations Division of the Office of Inspector General

    (11) Department of State: Diplomatic Security Service

    (12) Department of Labor: Office of Investigations and Office of Labor Racketeering of the Office of Inspector General

    (13) General Services Administration: Office of Inspector General

    (14) Department of Housing and Urban Development: Office of Inspector General

    (15) Department of the Interior: Office of Inspector General

    (16) Veterans Administration: Office of Inspector General

    (17) Environmental Protection Agency: Office of Criminal Investigations

    (18) Social Security Administration, Office of Inspector General

    (b) Local Law Enforcement Agencies:

    (1) District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department

    (2) Law Enforcement Forces and Customs Agencies of Guam, The Virgin Islands, and the Canal Zone.

    [Order No. 826-79, 44 FR 21785, Apr. 12, 1979]