§ 800.5 - Agency components.  

Latest version.
  • § 800.5 Agency components.

    (a) CSOSA.

    (1) Office of the Director (including the Deputy Director).

    (2) Office of the General Counsel.

    (3) Community Supervision Services.

    (4) Office of Community Justice Programs.

    (5) Special Criminal Justice Projects.

    (6) Office of Planning and Evaluation.

    (7) Office of Professional Responsibility.

    (8) Equal Employment Opportunity, Diversity, and Special Programs.

    (9) Office of Legislative, Intergovernmental, and Public Affairs.

    (10) Information Technology Services.

    (11) Office of Management and Administration.

    (12) Office of Human Resources.

    (b) PSA.

    (1) Office of the Director (including the Deputy Director).

    (2) Planning, Analysis and Evaluation.

    (3) Community Justice Programs.

    (4) Office of Operations (including Information Technology and Forensic Toxicology and Drug Testing Laboratory).

    (5) Human Resources Management.

    (6) Finance and Administration.