§ 90.105 - What are the review criteria for grant program applications?  

Latest version.
  • (a) Equitable participation and geographic distribution. In accordance with section 826(a)(3) of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Public Law 105–244, 112 Stat. 1816, every effort shall be made to ensure:

    (1) The equitable participation of private and public institutions of higher education in the activities assisted under this Subpart; and

    (2) The equitable geographic distribution of grants funded through this Subpart among the various regions of the United States.

    (b) Additional review criteria. Priority shall be given to applicants that demonstrate a commitment to developing strong collaborative models for developing services that are victim-centered; policies, protocols and penalties that hold offenders accountable; and programs that educate the entire campus community about how to end and prevent violence against women through systemic change. Commitment may be demonstrated in a number of ways including: clear communication from the institution's top leadership that strong responses to and prevention of violence against women is a priority; development and vigorous enforcement of campus policies and adherence to local laws addressing violence against women; creation of coordinated, multidisciplinary task forces that include at a minimum both campus and community-based victim service providers and campus security personnel and local law enforcement; innovative approaches to educating the entire campus community, including faculty, staff, administration, and students; provision of training and education programs to campus security personnel, others in positions of authority, and campus victim service providers; development of resource materials and information on violence against women; and innovative dissemination strategies for communicating information about the identification of violence against women, its underlying causes, and the consequences of committing violent crimes against women.

    (c) Intergovernmental review. This grant program is covered by Executive Order 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs (3 CFR, 1982 Comp., p. 197), and implementing regulations at 28 CFR Part 30. A copy of the application submitted to the Violence Against Women Office of the Office of Justice Programs should also be submitted at the same time to the State's Single Point of Contact, if there is a Single Point of Contact.