§ 102.90 - Notice of hearing; hearing; proceedings before the Board; briefs; determination of dispute.  

Latest version.
  • § 102.90 Notice of filing of charge; notice of hearing; hearing; proceedings before the Board; briefs; determination of dispute.

    If it appears to the Regional Director that the charge has merit and the parties to the dispute have not submitted satisfactory evidence to the Regional Director that they have adjusted, or have agreed upon methods for the voluntary adjustment of, the dispute out of which such unfair labor practice shall have arisen, he shall cause to be served on all parties to such dispute a notice of hearing under section 10(k) of the Act before a hearing officer at a time and place fixed therein which shall be not less than 10 days after service of the notice of the filing of said charge. The notice of hearing shall contain a simple statement of the issues involved in such dispute. Such notice shall be issued promptly, and, in cases in which it is deemed appropriate to seek injunctive relief pursuant to section 10(l) of the Act, shall normally be issued within 5 days of the date upon which injunctive relief is first sought. Hearings shall be conducted by a hearing officer, and the procedure shall conform, insofar as applicable, to the procedure set forth in §§ 102.64 to 102.68, inclusive. Upon the close of the hearing, the proceeding shall be transferred to the Board and the Board shall proceed either forthwith upon the record, or after oral argument, or the submission of briefs, or further hearing, to determine the dispute or make other disposition of the matter. Should any party desire to file a brief with the Board, eight copies thereof shall be filed with the Board in Washington, DC, within 7 days after the close of the hearing: Provided, however, That in cases involving the national defense and so designated in the notice of hearing no briefs shall be filed, and the parties, after the close of the evidence, may argue orally upon the record their respective contentions and positions: Provided further, That, in cases involving the national defense, upon application for leave to file briefs expeditiously made to the Board in Washington, DC, after the close of the hearing, the Board may for good cause shown grant such leave and thereupon specify the time for filing. Immediately upon such filing, a copy shall be served on the other parties. Such brief shall be printed or otherwise legibly duplicated: Provided, however, That carbon copies of typewritten matter shall not be filed and if submitted will not be accepted. Requests for extension of time in which to file a brief under authority of this section shall be in writing with copies thereof served on the other parties. No reply brief may be filed except upon special leave of the Board.

    [56 FR 49144, Sept. 27, 1991]