§ 1953.22 - Emergency temporary standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)(1) Immediately upon publication of an emergency temporary standard in the Federal Register, the Regional Administrator as directed by the Assistant Secretary, shall advise the States of the standard and the reason why a Federal program change supplement shall be required. The notification shall also provide that the State has 30 days after the effective date of the Federal standard to adopt, under the emergency procedures contained in the plan as required under § 1902.4(a)(1) or (b)(2)(v) of this chapter, a State emergency temporary standard if the State plan covers that issue.

    (2) Within 15 days after receipt of the notice of a Federal emergency temporary standard from the Regional Administrator, the State shall advise the Assistant Regional Director, of the action it will take. The State should advise whether:

    (i) It plans to adopt the Federal standard,

    (ii) It plans to adopt an “at least as effective as” State standard,

    (iii) The State has an existing standard that is at least as effective,

    (iv) The Federal standard is not within an issue covered by the State plan, or

    (v) The State wants to exclude the issue as defined in 29 CFR 1902.2(c) from the plan, which shall be considered as a request for an advisory opinion under subpart F of this part as to the separability of that issue.

    (3) The State shall also include an estimated date of promulgation generally not to exceed 30 days as set out in paragraph (a) of this section. Where the date will exceed 30 days the State shall include a date and the reason why a greater period of time is needed under State law.

    (4) The State may also request a finding from the Regional Administrator that there is good cause why the State is not required to adopt the standard on an emergency basis. The request must be supported by relevant data as provided under § 1902.2(c)(2) and (3) of this chapter to show that there is no occupational exposure to the hazard within the State such as to warrant an emergency standard. The provisions in paragraph (b) of this section will be applicable to such a request. The application of this paragraph to emergency temporary standards does not mean that a permanent standard would not be required to be promulgated by the State.

    (b)(1) The emergency temporary standard when required under paragraph (a) of this section, shall be submitted to the Regional Administrator within 5 days following its adoption by the State. The Assistant Regional Director shall review the supplement and if examination discloses that the State standard is identical to or at least as effective as the comparable Federal standard, the Regional Administrator shall, within a reasonable time generally not to exceed 20 days, publish a notice to that effect approving the State change.

    (2) If examination discloses that the State standard is not at least as effective as the comparable Federal standard, or that the period of time for promulgation which is longer than 30 days is not warranted under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the Regional Administrator shall immediately notify the State of such findings and of an opportunity to cure such defect or show cause why the State temporary emergency standard should not be rejected. Within a reasonable time, generally not to exceed 20 days from the date of such notification, the Regional Administrator shall cause to be published in the Federal Register a notice approving or rejecting the State standard, whichever is appropriate. Where the State has not taken the opportunity to show cause why the standard should not be rejected, the notice of rejection shall have immediate effect. Where the State has presented arguments and data for approval of the standard and the question of rejection of the standard is still in issue, a limited public comment period may be provided before decision as to approval or rejection of the standard. The Regional Administrator may, in his discretion hold an informal hearing on rejection of the State emergency standard.