Part 2202 - [Reserved]  

Subpart A - General
§ 2202.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 2202.2 - Counseling service.
§ 2202.3 - Remedial action.
Subpart B - Conduct
§ 2202.4 - General.
§ 2202.5 - Nondiscrimination.
§ 2202.6 - Gambling, betting, and lotteries.
§ 2202.7 - Misuse of official information.
§ 2202.8 - Misuse of Federal property.
§ 2202.9 - Partisan political activities.
Subpart C - Outside Interests, Employment, Business and Professional Activities
§ 2202.10 - General.
§ 2202.11 - Conflict-of-interest laws.
§ 2202.12 - Clearance.
Subpart D - Gifts, Fees, Entertainment, Favors
§ 2202.13 - Acceptance of gratuities generally.
§ 2202.14 - Payments, expenses, reimbursement, entertainment, etc., from non-Government sources.
§ 2202.15 - Contributions and gifts to superiors.
§ 2202.16 - Permissible gifts.
Subpart E - Statements of Employment and Financial Interests
§ 2202.17 - Regular employees required to submit statements.
§ 2202.18 - Supplementary statements, regular employees.
§ 2202.19 - Special Government employees required to submit statements.
§ 2202.20 - Review procedures.
§ 2202.21 - Confidentiality.
§ 2202.22 - Review of files.
§ 2202.23 - Interests of employees’ relatives.
§ 2202.24 - Information not known by employees.
§ 2202.25 - Information not required.
§ 2202.26 - Effect of employees’ statements on other requirements.
Appendix A to Part 2202