Part 2530 - Rules and Regulations for Minimum Standards for Employee Pension Benefit Plans

Subpart A - Scope and General Provisions
§ 2530.200a - Scope.
§ 2530.200a-1 - Relationship of the Act and the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
§ 2530.200a-2 - Treasury regulations for purposes of the Act.
§ 2530.200a-3 - Labor regulations for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
§ 2530.200b-1 - Computation periods.
§ 2530.200b-2 - Hour of service.
§ 2530.200b-3 - Determination of service to be credited to employees.
§ 2530.200b-4 - One-year break in service.
§ 2530.200b-5 - Seasonal industries.
§ 2530.200b-6 - Maritime industry.
§ 2530.200b-7 - Day of service for employees in the maritime industry.
§ 2530.200b-8 - Determination of days of service to be credited to maritime employees.
§ 2530.201-1 - Coverage; general.
§ 2530.201-2 - Plans covered by part 2530.
Subpart B - Participation, Vesting and Benefit Accrual
§ 2530.202-1 - Eligibility to participate; general.
§ 2530.202-2 - Eligibility computation period.
§ 2530.203-1 - Vesting; general.
§ 2530.203-2 - Vesting computation period.
§ 2530.203-3 - Suspension of pension benefits upon employment.
§ 2530.204-1 - Year of participation for benefit accrual.
§ 2530.204-2 - Accrual computation period.
§ 2530.204-3 - Alternative computation methods for benefit accrual.
§ 2530.204-4 - Deferral of benefit accrual.
Subpart C - Form and Payment of Benefits
§ 2530.205 - [Reserved]
§ 2530.206 - Time and order of issuance of domestic relations orders.
§§ 2530.205--2530.206 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Plan Administration as Related to Benefits
§ 2530.210 - Employer or employers maintaining the plan.
§§ 2530.207--2530.209 - [Reserved]