§ 3.7 - Applications for the approval of the Secretary of Labor.  

Latest version.
  • § 3.7 Applications for the approval of the Secretary of Labor.

    Any application for the making of payroll deductions under § 3.6 shall must comply with the requirements prescribed in the following paragraphs of this section:

    (a) The application shall must be in writing and shall be addressed to the Secretary of Labor. The application must be submitted by email to dbadeductions@dol.gov, by mail to the United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, Director, Division of Government Contracts Enforcement, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Room S–3502, Washington, DC 20210, or by any other means normally assuring delivery.

    (b) The application need not identify the contract or contracts under which the work in question is to be performed. Permission will be given for deductions on all current and future contracts of the applicant for a period of 1 year. A renewal of permission to make such payroll deduction will be granted upon the submission of an application which makes reference to the original application, recites the date of the Secretary of Labor's approval of such deductions, states affirmatively that there is continued compliance with the standards set forth in the provisions of § 3.6, and specifies any conditions which have changed in regard to the payroll deductions.

    (c) The application shall must state affirmatively that there is compliance with the standards set forth in the provisions of § 3.6. The affirmation shall must be accompanied by a full statement of the facts indicating such compliance.

    (d) The application shall must include a description of the proposed deduction, the purpose to be served therebyof the deduction, and the classes of laborers or mechanics from whose wages the proposed deduction would be made.

    (e) The application shall must state the name and business of any third person to whom any funds obtained from the proposed deductions are to be transmitted and the affiliation of such person, if any, with the applicant.

    [29 88 FR 9757731, JanAug. 4, 1964, as amended at 36 FR 9771, May 28, 197123, 2023]